Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Sunday 26 October 2014

2nd Wildcats Halloween Party and feeling Arty!

This time my face was purple but you can't see it in this picture!
Long Tail from Warrior Cats

VERY bad news and VERY happy news.

I don't really want to talk about the bad news, so I'll make it quick. Miley passed away on the 24th. We don't know what made him die, but all we know is it's very sad. We buried him in the garden on the 25th.

Now time for the happy news! Also on the 25th, Me, mom and dad went to the pet shop. His siblings were sold, but I bet they died as well. At the pet shop, I bought Miley 2! He/she (we don't know!) is a husky coloured Roborvoski who's VERY fast and quite skittish! He's going to be a nightmare to tame! So far, he's doing alright and he looks healthy. In the night I hear him drink and eat and run about on his top shelf because he doesn't know how to use his wheel! I'll upload some pictures of the old and new Miley.

Saturday 25 October 2014

All About Dogs... again!

All About Dogs Show at Newark

A little while ago, we went to the All About Dogs show in Newark! There was an awesome dog trainer who had loads of dogs! He had a Schnauzer-cross called Teddy, a mutt called George (my favourite!), a pug-cross that was really funny looking, a wolfhound-cross and a Labrador! All of his dogs were rescued, and George was going to be put down because he was aggressive! When I saw him, I only saw a loyal, loving dog! They did all kinds of tricks, like jumping through the man's arms and getting themselves out of collars! The man even told me and mom how to train Maisie to do tricks like that! Right now, she's learning how to jump through Mom's arms!
The awesome trainer with George and Teddy

How cute is his face?

There was also a Robin Hood show, but we missed most of it.  From the bits we saw, it looked quite good! The people were doing really cool (but dangerous!) stunts while riding horses that were galloping really fast!
Robin Hood riding his horse

Thursday 23 October 2014


Today is the Hindu celebration Diwali! It is a very exciting and colourful holiday. Homes are cleaned to welcome the New Year and windows are opened so that the Hindu goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, can enter. It is believed that she cannot enter a house which is not lit up, so every household burns special Diwali clay lamps (diyas) to light the way for the goddess, which is why the holiday is also known as the Festival of Lights!

I did 3 crafts. A hammer-bead lantern, 3 play-dough tea-light holders and a 3-D collage of lanterns.

I'll ad some pictures once dad puts them on the laptop!
And here they are!

Diyas made from salt dough

Hamma bead Diya

Mendhi hand painting to celebrate Diwali

Monday 20 October 2014


I just did my Piano Grade 2 exam! It was my 3rd exam, but I was so nervous! I think I did great, and I might get a distinction! The examiner was a young woman, and she gave me quite an easy sight-reading peace.  I might have made one little glitch, but that was it! I hope I'll get my results soon!

I came into the exam 20 minutes late because the A15 was closed and there was no diversion signs! We found our way eventually though!

After the exam, me and mom went out for a celebratory  meal at The Sugar Mill! I had a 10oz Gammon Steak (as usual) and mother had Chicken and Ribs!
Me and Mom;s "Selfie" at the Sugar Mill

1st Halloween Party!

Recently,  I went to my first Halloween party of this year! Only two more to go! It was at Gamlingay and it was really cool! Safari Stew came to see us with all these cool animals!

He had 3 snakes, a stick insect, a tarantula, a skunk, a chameleon and a bearded dragon! I held everything, except the stick insect and the tarantula! He also didn't let you hold the skunk, just stroke it.
The chameleon was my favourite, it gripped onto my arm, but it's feet felt so soft!

Tilly and Lavinia were there, and I arranged for Tilly to come for a sleepover in a week's time! Can't wait!!

Really exciting news!

I should've posted about this sooner.. but I've been too busy with it! I got my new, baby, Roborovski Dwarf hamster last week! He's tiny! His coat colour is a sandy colour with a white belly and a grey back. He's about 5 weeks old. His name's Miley and he's so sweet! Me and mom can pick him up already, though he does have a nibbling problem. It doesn't hurt, and he's not trying to attack us but it is a bit weird seeing a small fluffy ball hanging onto your finger.

He's got Lincy's old cage, and I've given Lincy a much bigger cage! Miley is tiny compared to the cage, and he loves running on his wheel! Lincy also has a wheel, but he doesn't really know how to use it.

Miley's cage is in my room, and I love listening to him running on his wheel in the night. Even though it is quite loud, I've never been woken up by him.

I'll upload some pictures soon of Miley!

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Warriors 2: Fire and Ice

The latest Warriors book I finished was Warriors 2: Fire and Ice. It's the epic sequel to Warriors 1: Into The Wild.

Plot: Firepaw is finally a warrior and has received his warrior name, Fireheart. With a chill of the cold winter months setting in, the cats of the rival clan, Riverclan, are growing restless, while WindClan is weak and facing threats from all sides.
As tensions build to an explosive climax, Fireheart faces not only imminent battle,  but betrayal frm within his own clan!

Main Characters: FireHeart, a blazing orange tom with green eyes. Graystripe, a fully-gray tom. Tigerclaw, a large, tiger-striped tom with orange eyes, the evil deputy of ThunderClan.

Review: I could never put this book down! It was so awesome!  I would recommend it to kids over the age of 9, since it does have quite a bit of violence. I'd rate the book a billion-million stars out of 10!

Warriors 1: Into The Wild!

Another Warriors book I've read is Warriors 1: Into The Wild. It was an epic book!

Plot: For many years, four clans of cats have shared the forest and obeyed the laws laid down by their warrior ancestors. When ThunderClan's cats are put in grave danger, and the deadly ShadowClan are growing stronger and stronger by the minute. Noble warriors are dying in every battle, but some deaths are a bit more mysterious than others...
When ThunderClan is on the edge of giving up their battle, kittypet Rusty comes along, with his lifelong dream to be a wild cat. Every cat doubts his strength, but he may turn out to be the bravest cat of them all.

Main Characters: Rusty/Firepaw, a blazing orange cat with forest-green eyes. Graypaw, a longhair gray tom. Bluestar, a light gray tabby she-cat and the  leader of ThunderClan.

Review: This is such an awesome book! I absaloutely love it and I raced through it in a week, even though it has 272 pages! I'd give it a billion stars out of 10! I'd recommend the book for kids over the age of 9, as again it contains a bit of violence.

Warriors: The Rise Of Scourge

Another Warrior book I've finished is The Rise Of Scourge.  The Rise Of Scourge is a manga book, which is a comic book. It's really cool and at first I didn't think I'd like it, but I love it! I read it in one day! The next Warrior Cat book I'm going to get is going to be a manga book, definitely!

Plot: When the kittypet tiny crosses the wild cats' paths, he is left with scars and a deep craving for revenge. As his reputation among the stray cats grow, he changes his name to Scourge and puts everything behind him... except his deadly desire for revenge.

Main Characters: Tiny/Scourge, a jet black cat with one white paw and light blue eyes.

Review: This is an excellent book! I'd recommend it for children 10+, since like all Warriors books, it contains a bit of violence and sad scenes. I'd rate this book 9 1/2 stars out of 10, it should've been longer!

Warriors Dawn Of The Clans 1: The Sun Trail

Recently, I finished reading my first Warrior Cat book, Dawn Of The Clans 1! It's an awesome book about how the clans came to be.

Plot: Cats lived near the top of a mountain, where prey is scarce and many cats don't survive the harsh winter months. When the oldest cat, Stoneteller, has a vision telling her that there is a better world for the cats filled with prey and trees to shelter from the wind and snow, the bravest cats set off to find this land, but the mission will be even more difficult than they thought.

Main Characters: Graywing, a sleek dark-grey tom with blazing orange eyes. Clearsky, a light-grey tom with sky-blue eyes.

Review: This is one of the best books I've ever read! I'd recommend it for children over the age of 9, since it is a bit violent and sad (especially when some of the cats die! Spoiler alert!). I'd rate this book 10 billion stars out of 5!

Thursday 9 October 2014

Erin Hunter!

I have a new favourite author, and she's epic! Erin Hunter writes lots of books including the #1 National Best Selling Series, Warrior Cats! There are loads of Warriors books! There's about 5 series  with 5 different episodes in each series!

Erin doesn't only do Warrior Cats, she does Seekers, which is about bears, and she does Survivors. Survivors is about dogs, and I've just bought the first Survivors book and a bunch of Warriors books!
She also does Manga books for Seekers and Warriors. Manga books are like comic books, and I love them! I've only read one of the manga books, but I'm definitely going to get more! I bought my first Manga book, The Rise Of Scourge, by accident! I didn't know it was a Manga book and I didn't think I was going to like it, but now I'm hooked!

Meet the Cats Here!

Update!! I have found out that Erin Hunter is not just one person! She is 4 people!
There is a group of four authors who have joined together to write all the Warrior Cats and Seekers books! That is why there are so many books! I did wonder how one person could write so many stories!
In fact, there is no such person as Erin Hunter; it is a pseudonym which is a fake name.

Thursday 2 October 2014


For two weeks, I went to Orlando in Florida for an epic holiday! I didn't go to Disneyland like I did for my last holiday in Florida, I went to Universal Studios! Universal was much better than Disneyland, in my opinion. I went on loads of rides because most of the rides were simulator rides. Simulator rides are when you go in a little roller-coaster seat like chair  and all of the walls around you become 3D cinemas. The seats move about a bit, so it feels like you're actually in a rollercoater, even though you're not.

There was still quite a few terrifying rollercoasters, I didn't go on any of them! Dad loved this really scary one but I wouldn't go on it, despite how much he begged me to go on with him! There was one ride that I went on with dad, but I wish I hadn't have! It was a log flume ride which starts out as a lovely tour through Jurassic Park, but something horrible goes wrong and the log flume goes the wrong way! You get put in a really dark tunnel and you start heading up.. and up... then there's a vertical drop into water and you get soaked! (Thankfully, me and dad had giant plastic bag coats!). The drop was so big that I fell forward and hurt my neck, it stopped aching after awhile though.

In the Parks, I also saw the parade! The parade was awesome, all of the floats looked so realistic! There was Despicable Me, SpongeBob, Hop and Dora The Explorer (I wasn't so interested in Dora The Explorer)!

My favourite rides were The Simpsons Ride, which was an awesome simulator ride where the badguy wants to wreck Springfield! My other favourite was the Men In Black ride, which was a shooter game. You went in a little carridge and you had to shoot the aliens with the toy gun! The MiB ride was a bit like a rollercoster, it spun you around really fast (I felt dizzy the first time I went on!)!
Captain America!

Betty Boop!

Taxi Anybody?

Bart and Homer

The fluffy duck from Hop!

Me and Bart at The Kitchen Restaurant!

The hotel was awesome as well! It was called the Hard Rock, and at first I thought it would be like proper rocks, but it was rock as in music! There were loads of rockstars' guitars and stuff! I saw Elton John's sparkly boots and loads of other famous stuff!
Elton John's sparkly bots!

The room was really spacious, and there were two double beds! Me and mom shared a bed because dad was waking mom up in her sleep!

Me swimming with dad's hat on!

The pool is cool aswell! Literally! It was freezing! I loved swimming though, especially since music played underwater! On the weekends a guy held really cool competitions and I won a giant, inflated, pink guitar! I also was given a little inflated guitar that had a flame pattern on it! I need to blow them back up!

I had such a great time! I'm happy to be back home though!
Me and mom at City Walk

City Walk at night!

That's me taming my pet leopard!

Getting the boat from City Walk to my hotel!

There was a giant shop in the mall, and all it sold was a billion M & Ms!

Turkey Leg for lunch! I couldn't eat it all!

The dragon at Harry Potter world!

We went to a cool Medieval Night! The horses were awesome!

Pirate Night! It was very noisy, and there was lots of violence and screaming!

And finally, the best bit of all! I got to land the aeroplane! Well.. not really! I got to meet the captain though! And sit in his seat! Another thing to add to my to-do list, learn how to fly a jumbo jet!

I want to press all of the buttons, just to see what'll happen!