Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Minecraft Homeschooling!

Everybody who knows me knows that I love Minecraft and my mom signed me up to Minecraft Home Schooling! I wasn't very impressed because I don't like to do work (who does?), but it's actually pretty fun! You learn about a topic and maybe answer some questions about it then you get to build a re-creation of it in Minecraft! My actual lessons don't start until 2nd of March, but you can do lessons before that so you can learn all of the commands and how to build really good things. You get new lessons each week to learn about and build.


The first lesson  was about the Paricutin Volcano. Paricutin is a town in Mexico. In 1944 a farmer was ploughing his cornfield and suddenly, the earth started to shake! The farmer wasn't very concerned, as volcanos are very common in that part of the world. But suddenly, a fissure suddenly appeared in the ground (that's a hole by the way!) and steam, smoke and molten rock started spewing out of it! One version of the story is that the farmer just covered up the hole with a rock and walked away, but I find that hard to believe! The smoke continued to billow out of the hole and wihin a few days the hole was a small hill! The molten lava continued to pour out across the fields as the farmer fled his farm! This was the birth of the volcano. Within a year, the entire farm and a town was covered in lava! The only thing left standing was the steeple of the church.
Paricutin today above the corn field

 The volcano continued to erupt for 8 years. In 1952 (which just happens to be the year my dad was born, which is no coincidence!) stopped erupting, and it has not erupted since.

My task on the Minecraft server (after I read about Paricutin) was to build my own farm with, guess what, a volcano in the corn field! I think I did a pretty good job!


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