Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Thursday 15 January 2015

Junior Vets on Call!

Junior Vets On Call

CBBC is recruiting kids to take part in a TV series all about Junior Vets
I am filling in my application form and I am really hopeful that I might be picked!
This is the application form with my answers to the questions. I also have to send a photo of me stuck to the front of the form. There wasn't much room to write your answers or I would have written much more, even though I don't like writing, but this is worth it!
Mom says there will be hundreds applying but I think I have a good chance because I am home educated so have lots of time to study animals AND I have lots of pet experience!

Wish me luck!!!

Tell us about any pets you've got at home.. and if they've ever been sick or injured:
I have 4 pets: 3 noisy hamsters and one crazy dog. My hamsters' names are Holly, Lincy and Miley and my dog is called Maisie, she's a Morkie. That's a cross between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Maltese. I did have another hamster called Miley but he became ill very quickly and died. It was a very sad time.

Have you ever had a bad animal experience?
I went to a Home-Education meet-up to see a guy called Safari Stu. He let us handle loads of exotic animals like Chameleons and skunks. It was really exciting until he brought out a tarantula! It was really furry and huge, and I was way too scared to even go near it, nevermind hold it!

Have you ever thought about being a vet when you grow up? If not tell us what your dream job would be!
I would love to be a vet, but I get a bit squeamish over operations and really gross things like sick and poo. When I grow up, I'd love to go to Canada to study wolves in the wild. I would also love to be a hamster breeder, but I'm not sure I would get much money for that!

If you were a vet, which animals do you thnk you'd enjoy looking after the most and why?
1: Hamster. They're cheeky, cute and loud!
2: Wolves. They're fascinating, brave, powerful.
3: Cat. They are wild, independent and agile.

... and which animal would you least like to look after?
1: Tarantula. They have too many legs, too many eyes and a creepy walk!
2: Parrot.  They have unblinking eyes, sharp pointy beak,  and a screeching voice!
3: Large Snakes. beady eyes, a hissing tongue and scaley skin!

Tell us what scares you.
Spiders and insects scare me, they just look so weird and creepy.
Fast rides at the fun fair, and climbing up high.I can get up but I'm not sure I can get down again!
I'm afraid of the dark: I wonder what lurks in the shadows!

Here's your chance to boast a bit... We'd love to hear about an amazing challenge
I do Musical theatre and I performed in a show in Peterborough.I thought it would just be in front of a few parents.. but it was in front of 400 people!! I was freaking out, but I kind of loved it!I have also passed my Lamda grade 1 and piano Grade 2 which was nerve-racking!

Which of these following words or phrases describes you best?
Geeky, Lazy, Funny.
Your own word: Unique

Tell us a funny story about your pet!
My hamster, Lincoln, escaped from his cage. My mom had to leave for a little bit, so I had to stay home and take on the challenge of trying to catch him! I heard some scratching from underneath Mom's special white sofa. Then I realised... Lincy wasn't under the sofa.. he was in it! I caught him in the end but now there's a giant hole in the fabric! He's so cute I couldn't be mad with him though!

Imagine you're a vet and you've been called out to an emergency: A large goose has been found with its head stuck in a fence. What do you do?
I examine the goose first and get my partner to hold the goose still. Carefully, I use my pliers to cut the fence around the goose's head. Once I get the goose free, I'll bring it to my vet surgery and clean  up any wounds it might have. I'll give it a drink and a little snack then set it free where I found it.

Finally.. tell us why you think we should pick you!
I have a lot of animal experience, I've had pets all of my life! We lived in Cyprus and I rescued 2 dogs and a cat.
I'm not really squeamish over a little blood, only really big wounds.
I'm home-educated, so I can learn about whatever I want and I have lots of spare time to learn about cool stuff. I've spent all of my life studying wolves and other animals. I also have all day to study an animal and care for it.
I joined the RSPB and adopted an Amur Leopard for the WWF because I care about wildlife.
I love animals, and I'll do anything I can to help them!
Lastly, how cool would it be to be on the telly AND work with animals!