Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Wednesday 28 January 2015


Guess what? We've just had an earthquake! It was huge and it shook the sofa with me on it! I had my headphones on, so I didn't hear anything, but I felt my laptop vibrate and the sofa shake! Half an hour later, mom searched it and we found out it was a real earthquake! It was really exciting!
Here' the stats:

Magnitude: 3.9 (that's quite BIG
Depth: 10km
Location: 52.70 N; 0.80 W
Distances: 140km N of London. 6km NW of Oakham. 8km SW of Wymondham


Five Nights At Freddys!

I recently got into this stratergy/kind of scary game called Five Nights At Freddys! In the game you're a nightguard working at a haunted pizzeria called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. You have to survive 6 hours every night without getting captured by the animatronics. The animatronic animals are the stars of the restaurant in the day time, but at night, they're haunted by 5 children who got killed there...

I don't really find the game scary anymore, just frustrating that I can't get past night 3! Anyway I made some pictures of some of the characters from the game, so mom'll put them on soon.
Here they are!

Minecraft Homeschooling!

Everybody who knows me knows that I love Minecraft and my mom signed me up to Minecraft Home Schooling! I wasn't very impressed because I don't like to do work (who does?), but it's actually pretty fun! You learn about a topic and maybe answer some questions about it then you get to build a re-creation of it in Minecraft! My actual lessons don't start until 2nd of March, but you can do lessons before that so you can learn all of the commands and how to build really good things. You get new lessons each week to learn about and build.


The first lesson  was about the Paricutin Volcano. Paricutin is a town in Mexico. In 1944 a farmer was ploughing his cornfield and suddenly, the earth started to shake! The farmer wasn't very concerned, as volcanos are very common in that part of the world. But suddenly, a fissure suddenly appeared in the ground (that's a hole by the way!) and steam, smoke and molten rock started spewing out of it! One version of the story is that the farmer just covered up the hole with a rock and walked away, but I find that hard to believe! The smoke continued to billow out of the hole and wihin a few days the hole was a small hill! The molten lava continued to pour out across the fields as the farmer fled his farm! This was the birth of the volcano. Within a year, the entire farm and a town was covered in lava! The only thing left standing was the steeple of the church.
Paricutin today above the corn field

 The volcano continued to erupt for 8 years. In 1952 (which just happens to be the year my dad was born, which is no coincidence!) stopped erupting, and it has not erupted since.

My task on the Minecraft server (after I read about Paricutin) was to build my own farm with, guess what, a volcano in the corn field! I think I did a pretty good job!


Monday 26 January 2015


Today me and my mom cleaned out my two Syrian hamsters, Lincy and Holly. It took awhile, but we've finally got the cages spic and span! It won't last 5 minutes, though! Both of the hammies are not happy that they need to re-stock all of their hordes or re-make all of their nests. Lincy's glaring at me now! Holly was running around her cage like a lunatic before looking for food, so I handfed her enough to fill her pouches!

Did you know that hamster's pouches spread out to their hips? They're massive! That's how they can fit so much food in! And if there's not enough room in their pouches, they'll carry their favourite piece of food like a dog would! Check out this cool video! Inside a Hamster's Pouch.

Sunday 25 January 2015

I've been busy!

Sorry I haven't done a blog post in awhile, I've been really busy!

First, I went to Gamlingay with Tilly and Lavinia. We played random games like Hospital for a bit, then we made some sushi! You had to get a seaweed slice and fill it with rice. Then  you could put in cucumbers, avocado, fish sticks and things like that. I tried a bit of it.. didn't really like it though!

The next day, I went to the Fun Farm in Spalding. It's a really cool soft play that has loads of levels and some slides. Some other home-education kids went aswell, and I really liked one of them called Blythe. I think she's about 12. She's been home-educated her whole life, and she's really nice! I hope I see her again soon.
After the softplay, I went to Baytree garden centre which was right next to the Fun Farm. I picked up something for each of the hamsters. I got Holly a straw hut with coconut on the top. I got Lincy  an edible, thick log that's stuffed full with seeds and for Miley I got a flavoured tunnel with loads of holes in it!
They were good buys, because they all love them!

Finally, I'm going to do the Big Bird Watch! It's the biggest survey in the UK. It's from the RSPB  and you're meant to sit in your garden for an hour to count all of the species of birds. It tells the RSPB where birds are thriving, and where their numbers are declining. I'm going to do it today!

When I was on a dog walk yesterday, I saw a beautiful black and white cat that looked just like the warrior cat Swiftpaw. He was so friendly and fluffy, now I really want a cat! I decided the closest to ever owning a cat I'll ever get is to do volunteer work at Cats Protection, which is a cat shelter. There's loads around me, and I'll be about 15 when I move away, so I've got plenty of time to volunteer!

Tuesday 20 January 2015


I'm really obsessed with the Warrior Cats book series! Really obsessed. Sine September of last year, I've read 34 Warriors books! And 30 of them books are about 300 pages long each! I've read all of the 4 main series, Into The Wild, The New Prophecy, The Power Of Three and Omen Of The Stars. I've also read 4 Super Editions, which are books that focus around one cat's life. I've read 4 Manga books aswell, which are like comics.

For Christmas, I got 2 Warriors Guides, which are like Mythology books and secret information about the characters and clans. There's other stories in them aswell, but they're like comedies.  There'll be loads of jokes in them, and I love that!

Anyway, I love all of my Warriors books, but I must say, I think The Power Of Three is the best series!

Thursday 15 January 2015

Junior Vets on Call!

Junior Vets On Call

CBBC is recruiting kids to take part in a TV series all about Junior Vets
I am filling in my application form and I am really hopeful that I might be picked!
This is the application form with my answers to the questions. I also have to send a photo of me stuck to the front of the form. There wasn't much room to write your answers or I would have written much more, even though I don't like writing, but this is worth it!
Mom says there will be hundreds applying but I think I have a good chance because I am home educated so have lots of time to study animals AND I have lots of pet experience!

Wish me luck!!!

Tell us about any pets you've got at home.. and if they've ever been sick or injured:
I have 4 pets: 3 noisy hamsters and one crazy dog. My hamsters' names are Holly, Lincy and Miley and my dog is called Maisie, she's a Morkie. That's a cross between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Maltese. I did have another hamster called Miley but he became ill very quickly and died. It was a very sad time.

Have you ever had a bad animal experience?
I went to a Home-Education meet-up to see a guy called Safari Stu. He let us handle loads of exotic animals like Chameleons and skunks. It was really exciting until he brought out a tarantula! It was really furry and huge, and I was way too scared to even go near it, nevermind hold it!

Have you ever thought about being a vet when you grow up? If not tell us what your dream job would be!
I would love to be a vet, but I get a bit squeamish over operations and really gross things like sick and poo. When I grow up, I'd love to go to Canada to study wolves in the wild. I would also love to be a hamster breeder, but I'm not sure I would get much money for that!

If you were a vet, which animals do you thnk you'd enjoy looking after the most and why?
1: Hamster. They're cheeky, cute and loud!
2: Wolves. They're fascinating, brave, powerful.
3: Cat. They are wild, independent and agile.

... and which animal would you least like to look after?
1: Tarantula. They have too many legs, too many eyes and a creepy walk!
2: Parrot.  They have unblinking eyes, sharp pointy beak,  and a screeching voice!
3: Large Snakes. beady eyes, a hissing tongue and scaley skin!

Tell us what scares you.
Spiders and insects scare me, they just look so weird and creepy.
Fast rides at the fun fair, and climbing up high.I can get up but I'm not sure I can get down again!
I'm afraid of the dark: I wonder what lurks in the shadows!

Here's your chance to boast a bit... We'd love to hear about an amazing challenge
I do Musical theatre and I performed in a show in Peterborough.I thought it would just be in front of a few parents.. but it was in front of 400 people!! I was freaking out, but I kind of loved it!I have also passed my Lamda grade 1 and piano Grade 2 which was nerve-racking!

Which of these following words or phrases describes you best?
Geeky, Lazy, Funny.
Your own word: Unique

Tell us a funny story about your pet!
My hamster, Lincoln, escaped from his cage. My mom had to leave for a little bit, so I had to stay home and take on the challenge of trying to catch him! I heard some scratching from underneath Mom's special white sofa. Then I realised... Lincy wasn't under the sofa.. he was in it! I caught him in the end but now there's a giant hole in the fabric! He's so cute I couldn't be mad with him though!

Imagine you're a vet and you've been called out to an emergency: A large goose has been found with its head stuck in a fence. What do you do?
I examine the goose first and get my partner to hold the goose still. Carefully, I use my pliers to cut the fence around the goose's head. Once I get the goose free, I'll bring it to my vet surgery and clean  up any wounds it might have. I'll give it a drink and a little snack then set it free where I found it.

Finally.. tell us why you think we should pick you!
I have a lot of animal experience, I've had pets all of my life! We lived in Cyprus and I rescued 2 dogs and a cat.
I'm not really squeamish over a little blood, only really big wounds.
I'm home-educated, so I can learn about whatever I want and I have lots of spare time to learn about cool stuff. I've spent all of my life studying wolves and other animals. I also have all day to study an animal and care for it.
I joined the RSPB and adopted an Amur Leopard for the WWF because I care about wildlife.
I love animals, and I'll do anything I can to help them!
Lastly, how cool would it be to be on the telly AND work with animals!

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Scourge. Digital Art

I just drew a cat from the Warrior Cats books, Scourge! It took 2 and a half hours, and 18 layers, but I finished it! I think it looked pretty cool, and I love using Paint Tool Sai now. I spent ages trying to get the right densities on all of the layers so it looked semi-realistic, and I think I did a great job!

I might upload some more pictures, but I only want to have the best ones viewed, so I need to get working!

Wednesday 7 January 2015

My mini family!

I thought I'd give you an update on my three hamsters, Holly, Lincy and Miley. Since I got Lincy first, I'll start with him.

Lincy (his full name is Lincoln) is a shorthaired ginger banded Syrian with a black collar marking on the back of his neck. He's a very large hamster, almost as big as a guinea pig! He doesn't like being picked up but he loves being fed and stroked. Lincy's birthday is on February 14th and he'll be 1 year old this year.

Lincy head-butting the camera!
My second hamster is called Miley. He's a young Roborovoski Dwarf hamster, and he prefers to be left alone. He loves his food though. His favourite thing to do is burrowing, and he has his own nest with underground tunnels leading to it. Miley's a beige colour with darker stripes on his back and a white underbelly. He'll be 1 this year as well, in October I think.

Miley having a nibble on his wooden carrot

And finally, my latest addition to my little family is called Holly. She's a beautiful, longhaired, cream and white banded Syrian. She's got one red eye and one black eye, so she stood out against her siblings in the pet shop. I only got her in  December, but she's already completely tamed. I can pick her up whenever I want, and she doesn't mind being stroked. Her absaloute favourite thing to do is to run over me. I let her crawl over my legs and sniff my neck atleast once a day now, so she gets plenty of handling.

Holly's climbing over me in the taming bath!

Holly trying to run under my arm!
I think my little family is complete!... for now.


I recently joined a site called Diy.org. Kids from all over the world complete challenges to earn badges! There are loads of topics to choose from, and the first one I went for was the Minecrafter badge! It was so easy, I completed it in 3 minutes! I had to install a mod, download a skin and join a server. I've done all of those things hundreds of times!

Mom has ordered my badge. I hope it comes soon! It's coming all the way from America and it costs $4. Here's what it looks like:

Christmas Update!

I had an awesome Christmas! I got loads of awesome presents like Aqua Dragons (which I'll talk about later), a Soap Making Kit, two cool new Warrior Cat books, an amazing colour-changing reading light, some delicious smelling bathbombs and a lot more! My presents took up the whole 3-seat sofa!
One of the very best presents was this really cool hat that I got from Stephen! He knows me too well!

Me and my wolf hat!
Me and my Warrior Cat books!
Battles of the Clans and
Enter the Clans!

Jamie, Tony, Charlie and Joey came to stay, so the house was quite full! It snowed on Boxing Day, so me, Tony and Charlie went out to build a snowman and have a snowball fight! I made a snow angel and it nearly froze my butt off!

The awesome Snowman! I love his gloves!

Me making a snow angel!

We had a delicious Christmas dinner, but we didn't get any good pictures. We had succulent turkey, delicious ham, veggies (that I didn't eat!), and crispy Yorkshire Puddings! Yum! The New Year's dinner was even better! We had some beef as well! Tony cooked the beef and it was absolutely to die for!

The Aqua Dragons are really cool. They're prehistoric sea creatures from the Jurassic times! You get a small tank full of water and you pour in the eggs and a tiny scoop of food. In a few days, the Aqua Dragons should start to hatch! I only just put them in their tank yesterday, so I'm still waiting for them to hatch.
You also get an information leaflet for them and some food and eggs. You also get a tiny scoop for putting the food in their tank. The food looks like powder, not like real food at all! The tank lights up as well which is a real cool feature for night-time viewing!

Anyway, I had an epic Christmas! Can't wait for next time!