Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Thursday 30 June 2016

Wildcats Live!

Every year, Wildcats have a special live show at the Cresset Theatre called Wildcats Live. This year was my third live show, but I was still really nervous! The theme was the 80s this year, and it was called Don't Stop Believin'.

To the people sitting in the audience, the show looked very well organized and calm and collected. Backstage however, was definitely the opposite! All the kids were running around frantically, getting changed into their show costumes, putting on makeup, trying to find which stage door they were meant to be at, and the most difficult part of all, trying to help the very young Mini classes get everything ready. The Mini classes seemed to have an amazing talent for losing at least one piece of clothing that they needed for the show;  it was mayhem! Despite all the rushing, it was still a very fun and exciting day; I enjoyed it a lot. We were there from 10 am to 6 pm, but the time flew by. Despite the mayhem backstage, the audience said it was the most professional show we had ever put on!

I performed in four pieces: the opening, Dirty Dancing, the Bourne Seniors piece, Sweet Dreams and the finale, Don't stop Believin'.  Normally, I'm only in three pieces, so this was quite different. I definitely enjoy doing more pieces, it's a lot more exciting but more hard work too! The Bourne Seniors piece was quite special as it was the only piece in the Saturday show that was a mix of two songs! Sweet Dreams and Seven Nation Army were the two songs in our piece and they made an amazing contrast. I think our piece was brilliant!
We had fantastic costumes made by the Kelly Ann, the Bourne Seniors teacher! This was the first show we had been in where we wore make up. I quite liked it. Ruth, one of the Seniors was in charge of make-up, and I think she did a good job.

By the end of the show, I was exhausted! We had to run through the entire show as a rehersal before the audience arrived, so we really had to do the show twice! Thankfully, after we did the dress rehearsal we had a lot of time to eat lunch and have a bit of a rest. I definitely needed it!

At the end of the day, Mom and Dad said they really enjoyed the show, so it was worth all the running around! I wonder when we'll start practising for next year's show?

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