Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Friday 24 June 2016

Independance Day!

It is a massive day in UK history ! The United Kingdom has left the European Union after the goverment held a referendum. 52% of the voters voted to leave.

Change is everywhere! The news is buzzing. Some people are ecstatic and some people are devestated. It has been called a "Political Earthquake". Some people say "Hold on and ride the waves" but the nation is divided. We have been told there will be no immediate change. We have to abide by the rules of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty and it could take up to two years before we fully leave the EU.

The prime minister, David Cameron, has announced he is standing down. The Bank of England is worried as the pound fell by 10%; it's never been that low since 1985. They've managed to find a few billion to bail us out until things settle down again.
Scotland has said they want to split from the UK because they want to stay in the EU. They think they are being forced to leave against their will.

The politicians are desperately trying to reassure us, but really no one knows what happens next for the UK. It is a massive moment of change where we turn away from 40 years of stability in the European Union.

What has happend today will go down in history. It will change the future for young people like me. I really hope it's a better future, not just for me, but for everybody.

"This was not the country it was yesterday. That place is gone forever".

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