Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Pony Club!

On Monday, I went to my favourite place to go, Pony Club! This week, the staff obviously had a lot of trust in me! First of all, I jumped on the mounting block to get on Mickey. He's the second largest pony at the club, but I'm used to stretching my legs to get on him.
I was led into the Training School by one of the helpers, but I didn't realise that the leader had let go and let me ride Mickey around the school, and trot him around all by myself! We did the most difficult turns and exercises. Best of all, I did it all by myself! I'm definitely improving!

When we had finished riding, me and Summer went inside to begin drawing our favourite ponies! Of course, I drew Mickey! Just as I had finished my drawing, the lead teacher came into the room and told me I was going to lead! I was really, really nervous! I would have to lead a pony with a person on their back for the first time! With a bit of hesitation, I agreed to lead Vinnie around on Jeanie. This was asking for a disaster, as Jeanie was the most stubborn pony I've ever met and Vinnie likes to talk a lot; he's only about four or five years old.
Halfway through the leading, I felt as though me and Jeanie were starting to bond... then she decided to try to eat my leg. It didn't hurt a lot, but I could still feel her teeth!
When the session was over, Vinnie obviously thought I'd done a good job as he said that I was an "epic leader"! I felt great!

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