Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Saturday 20 February 2016

Pony Club Extravaganza!

I've had a very Pony themed week today! As you know, on Sunday I spent about 3 and a half hours grooming the ponies at Pony Club. But on Thursday, there was a 6 hour Pony Club Health day!
We learnt all about common illnesses ponies can get, how a healthy pony should look and act and how to prevent illnesses. There were a lot of things to learn! So we could remember them all, we looked in some Horse Magazines for ill horses, cut out the pictures and made a massive poster with them all.

Our Pony Health Poster

After a lunch break, we tacked up some ponies and did some gymkhana races and games! We were put into teams of 3 and each team had a pony. After every race the person who was riding got off and one of their teammates would get on. Since it was a race we didn't have any time to adjust the stirrups so I had to get my leg really high up in the air to get it in the stirrup to push myself up! My knee was killing!

Once we'd finished racing, we put the ponies back in their stables and went over some of the pony health facts we'd learnt. By now the parents had arrived to watch us receive our Pony Health certificate and rosette! I was really proud.

The next day my arm and my knee were killing! I'd obviously pulled a muscle trying to get on with such short stirrups. Oh well, it was definitely worth it!

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