Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Monday 15 February 2016

Lots of Projects!

I've been really busy lately doing loads of projects and even a lapbook! It's been ages since I've done  a  lapbook so I decided to do one about some of my favourite animals, dogs! I called it All About Dogs and put loads of things inside it like famous dogs, dog trivia and classes of dogs. It took all day to make but I think it was definitely worth it!

I also did a little project about Rainforests, specifically Tropical ones. Even though they only cover 2% of the Earth, they're home to over 50% of the Earth's plants and animals! Wow! There's a really cool type of plant called a Bromeliad. They have long leaves that curl at the bottom to collect raindrops and let them run to the middle of the plant. The middle of the plant is like a water tank and traps all the water there. The biggest type of Bromeliad can hold up to 2 gallons of water!

My hand-made Bromeliad!

Bromeliads are special for another reason;  the Poison-Arrow Frog doesn't lay its eggs in the water, it lays them on the ground! Then the male frog comes along and fertilizes the eggs and guards them untill they turn into tadpoles. Then the tiny tadpoles wriggle on to their mother's back ahd she carries them to a water-filled Bromeliad that she has chosen for her tadpoles' home. The journey can take a few days, especially if she has to climb high into the Canopy layer of the rainforest. When the frog reaches the Bromeliad, she drops each of her tadpoles into a seperate tiny pool of water. The tadpoles feed on the algae in the water, but to be sure they get enough food, their mother returns again and again and deposits a single unfertilized egg in the water for each tadpole. Mmm, a tasty snack!
After 6-8 weeks the tadpoles emerge as frogs and return to the forest floor. Amazing!

If you're feeling a bit down because it's Monday, here's a very cute guinea pig to cheer you up!

Noah AKA the master of looking cute!

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