Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Wednesday 2 March 2016

A Bit Random!

This post is filled with random things, so beware!

I finally finished my Rainforest project! It took ages but I think the finished project looks very impressive. I even drew a little ladybug under the leaf! To read about what I put inside my Rainforest book you can have a look at some of my previous posts.

Finally finished it!

Under the leaf!

I'm a full, registered member of The Pony Club now and I'm already working towards one of the most important badges, Road Safety. I've been investigating road signs and what they mean as well as the Green Cross Code.

When you lift up each sign it says
what it means underneath!

My Green Cross Code stuff!

Another horsey thing: I got my riding hat today! After a mammoth search, I went to an awesome Equestrian Shop that was only about 15 minutes from my house! I found looking at all the head-collars and rugs so exciting I didn't want to leave! I got some new gloves and a little horse model as well. The fitting of the hat was an ordeal! The first hats the assistant tried on me were a bit TIGHT and uncomfortable. I don't think she expected my head to be so big!

We did loads of shopping and went to see the animals at a lovely Farm Shop. They had the cutest micro-pigs and a herd of very tame and greedy goats. The baby goats, or kids, were adorable. They made the sweetest sounds. It was difficult to get close to them though, because the bigger goats kept butting them away! They also had rabbits, but I couldn't see them as the farm doesn't properly open until April. I'll definitely go back then!

A few days ago I saw some "Sugar Mice" on the telly. I had no idea what they were but mom told me she had them when she was a child, so they must be very old! They're basically just a lump of  coloured sugar that's been moulded into a mouse shape, very healthy (not)!They have a piece of string for a tail.
When I was shopping with Mom today , I just happened to look out of the corner of my eye and there it was, a Sugar Mouse! I just had to buy it and it's surprisingly nice, I definitely recommend them.

Cute, right?

Also, another random thing: I gave Dan a bath.  I don't think he liked it very much but he smelled lovely afterwards.

It's Noah's turn next!

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