Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Swimming, play dates and animals!

A few days ago, I went swimming in Bourne Outdoor Pool. It was so packed, me and mother barely got a parking space! The pool was freezing as always and it was choka-block with teenagers who had just finished their exams. Still, I had a great time! Since it was so warm on that day, it was a great way to cool off!

The water was freezing!!

The next exciting thing I did was going to Neevee's house. Tilly and Lavinia came as well and it was so much fun! Her garden was so fun because it had a climbing frame with a slide and a really cool swing that two people could go on! There was also a freezing cold paddling pool at the end of the slide so when you slid down it, you landed into the ice cold water! Neevee's little brother was constantly spraying us with the watering hose as well!

Me and Tilly swinging!

We'd been out for about half an hour when we realised that we were covered in bugs! Hundreds of little flying beetles had landed on us because they were attracted to sun cream. We came inside for a bit and had a delicious spaghetti dinner that Neevee's mother had made us. It was the best spaghetti I've ever had!
We did some cool colouring

Then we went back outside, played on the trampoline and continued sliding into the paddling pool! I had an excellent time!

Getting sprayed!

Then on Sunday, me, mom and dad went to Wood Green Animal Shelter!
Wood Green

It was so hard not to adopt any of the animals, especially when one of the helpers gave me a mouse to hold! It was so cute and tame and I wanted it!!! After the rodents, we went to see the dogs. The shelter doesn't let people go and see the dogs unless you're thinking about adopting one, so mom had to fill in a form about what type of dog we wanted.
Finally, we saw the cats. They had some really feral looking ones like a Cheetoh that was running about a massive enclosure with a climbing frame! All of the cats were so adorable and I really wanted one, but I know that Maisie would just rip it to shreds if I did get one.

Bengal Cat

Anyway, I've had a pretty eventful week!

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