Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Tuesday 28 July 2015

A week of ART Day 1

I am doing ArtWeek all this week. Kids from all over the world are doing it!You watch an online art lesson every day, then do your art.

Day 1:Picasso Dog!

Pablo Picasso (I won't type his whole name because it would take up half of the page!) was born in Malaga Spain in 1881. He is one of the most famous and richest artists in the world. He was very creative because he wasn't just an artist but a sculptor, poet and he did many drawings and etchings.

His art can be divided into periods where he used different styles of paintings.
His first period was called "The blue period". He painted in blue and green and his paintings were quite sad and sombre.
His next period was "The rose period". His paintings were happier and he used orange and pinks.
The third period was called "the African-influenced period".
Lastly was "The cubism period". That's where my Picasso Dog comes in!
Cubism is a style of art where the painting looks like it's been broken into pieces. It uses straight lines a lot.


Pablo's mother said that his first words were "piz piz" which is short for lapiz. In Spanish, lapiz means pencil!

Pablo's father sent him to a very famous art school but Pablo was not happy there. He didn't like being taught what to do and he preferred to draw in his own style. He was often sent to detention. He was locked in a white cell. You would think that would be awful, but Pablo loved it in there because he could draw as much as he wanted.

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