Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Friday 31 July 2015

Even more Art!

A few weeks ago I got 4 small jars and a bunch of glitter to fill them with! It was really fun (and messy). Mother's designs are on the left and mine are on the right. We had a competition where dad was the judge and guess who got the title of Glitter Champ 2015? Me!!!

Plus, a little clay Toothless that I made!

On Wednesday, I went to Wildcats in Stamford for an all day workshop! The theme was Brave (the movie). We learned some Scottish dances, watched the movie and even learned some songs from the movie! We also made a tartan (which is a pattern) to represent our family! I made this. I accidently went a bit overboard with the glue..

Shovlin Tartan
Anyway, I had a great time! It was really tiring though!

Art Week Day 5

For the 5th day of Art Week, I made... people? I'm honestly not too sure what these are. I made them with Oil Pastels and Acrylic Paints.

Oil Pastel People

Art Week Day 4

For the 4th day of Art Week, I made some nature faces! I used cherries for the eyes, leaves for the hair, more leaves for the eyebrows, a rock for the nose and some bark for the mouth! It was suprisingly entertaining!

Sad/worried nature face


Art Week Day 3

For the 3rd day of Art Week, me and mom made leaf prints! I had a lot of fun with them! We painted on a leaf then padded it down on a piece of card. When you peel off the leaf, it makes a lovely print left behind! Then we had to turn the prints into people, objects or animals! Some of them are mom's.

The tree of prints!

My peacock!

A little blue bird!

And my other peacock!

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Art Week Day 2

We did Crayon Resist Night Sky.
I did a firework night and I used crayons, oil pastels and water colours. I think I should have pressed harder on the crayons for a better effect. I still think it looks cool though!

My Firework Night Sky!
 I used rock salt but it didn't dissolve. It has a nice effect!

A week of ART Day 1

I am doing ArtWeek all this week. Kids from all over the world are doing it!You watch an online art lesson every day, then do your art.

Day 1:Picasso Dog!

Pablo Picasso (I won't type his whole name because it would take up half of the page!) was born in Malaga Spain in 1881. He is one of the most famous and richest artists in the world. He was very creative because he wasn't just an artist but a sculptor, poet and he did many drawings and etchings.

His art can be divided into periods where he used different styles of paintings.
His first period was called "The blue period". He painted in blue and green and his paintings were quite sad and sombre.
His next period was "The rose period". His paintings were happier and he used orange and pinks.
The third period was called "the African-influenced period".
Lastly was "The cubism period". That's where my Picasso Dog comes in!
Cubism is a style of art where the painting looks like it's been broken into pieces. It uses straight lines a lot.


Pablo's mother said that his first words were "piz piz" which is short for lapiz. In Spanish, lapiz means pencil!

Pablo's father sent him to a very famous art school but Pablo was not happy there. He didn't like being taught what to do and he preferred to draw in his own style. He was often sent to detention. He was locked in a white cell. You would think that would be awful, but Pablo loved it in there because he could draw as much as he wanted.

Friday 24 July 2015

Art Week!

It's here!

The first assignment was a "Crazy Bird"! We had to draw a circle on one piece of paper and a flower on another. You had to go over your circle and flower over and over again in different pens and colours. When you quartered the paper and put the pieces together, you could create a bird! Here is mine!

Tuesday 21 July 2015


Today, the guinea pigs' deluxe double decker hutch came! It was already built, so all we had to do was put some bits of plastic on the legs and fill it with sawdust and furniture for them! So far, they haven't gone downstairs but they seem to be settling in to the upstairs area.

Noah having a sniff around!
I'll do an update when they go downstairs. Hopefully they'll learn soon because all of their food and water!

Thursday 16 July 2015

Riverside park!

Yesterday, we met up with Tilly at Riverside Park in St Neots.
There was a cool swing and a lovely café where I got a delicious bacon sandwich!


 After we'd been there for about an hour, we walked into the town centre to pick up Lavinia, Liv-astrid and her brothers from the museum! At the museum, we saw some of the prison cells from the 1930's. We didn't have time to read who they put in the cells, but they were very cramped and dull.
There was an old fashioned shop from the 1940's with old money and cool weighing scales and lots of fake fruit and vegetables!

Mmmm..Butternut Squash

After that, we went back to the park to play for a while. It was so late when we left, I was shattered!

In other news, I'm going to Paris with Tilly and Lavinia in 5 weeks! We're only going for 4 days, but it's gonna be really exciting! Father will have to look after the pigs when we leave. Dan's getting very cunning and I know he'll escape if father tries to pick him up, so I've paid £230 for a deluxe, double-decker hutch! It'll be delivered fully built on Tuesday!

Also, I got my Blue Peter badge today! It's green because I told Blue Peter about how I  support the WWF and RSPB. I just need to wait for a certificate and then I can start going to loads of places for free!

My green, Blue Peter Badge!

Ponies and Cats!

On Monday, I went to Pony Club. This week it was just me and Summer. The first challenge we had to do was to lead Jeannie across all of the stables and turn her around. Jeannie did not want to co-operate with me. As soon as she caught the smell of hay, she pulled me aside and dragged me into an empty stable to eat the hay! The second attempt went much better, and I managed to make her go the right way!
The next challenge was much harder. In the training arena, we set up some obstacles to jump over and weave in and out of. On my first attempt, I did terrible. Obviously pulling Jeannie along was not the way to make her trot. On the second attempt, I did so much better! At the end of the race, I was absolutely whacked. I had to run up and down the field 8 times!

After that, I got to ride Towney and we practiced the rising trot (which is when you have to stand up in the stirrups and sit down while the pony is trotting). I think I did pretty good!

The next day, I went to Wilcats! It's the last lesson until September. For the last lesson, the seniors were put into groups of 4 and we had to pick a song, add harmonies and then record it! We used proper headphones, mic stands and everything! It was very nerve-racking, but we did pretty well!

Partying Pooches!

Last week, I went to Gamlingay for the end-of-term summer party! There were loads to do like face painting and dancing! Unfortunately, I didn't get to get a face paint cause I was too busy dancing and playing musical statues!

After the party, all of the kids went outside to play.
I had a great time!

On Sunday, me, mom and dad went to the East Of England Dog Show! They had competitons for the best of breeds and classes of the dogs.

After we had been walking around for a while, we heard a terrible cry. It sounded like loads of babies wailing out. When we turned the corner, we found out what was making the dreadful sound. A pack of about 30 huskies were howling and shouting out at each other. All of the huskies were rescues and a few of them were disabled. I got to stroke a few of them and they were actually really loving!
Near the end of the show, we went to the main building to see the winners! We actually predicted who the 2 best in show dogs were!
One of them was an adorable female papillon and the other one was a massive white dog that looked like a newfoundland. I don't know what breed it was, but it was beautiful!

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Pony Club!

Yesterday, I went to Pony Club!
This week I got to ride Mickey and Summer rode Jeannie. It was really fun because we went on the roads! Mickey was wearing horse shoes so he liked to walk on the roads. All I could hear was "clip clop clip clop clip clop" for 10 minutes! On the walk, we had to keep looking over our shoulder to check for cars. 2 cars and 2 vans went by, but the ponies handled it just fine!

When we got back inside, we got to clean the straps and reins and then assemble them to actually fit a pony! All of the kids took turns getting to be the pony and it was really complicated and fun!

Swimming, play dates and animals!

A few days ago, I went swimming in Bourne Outdoor Pool. It was so packed, me and mother barely got a parking space! The pool was freezing as always and it was choka-block with teenagers who had just finished their exams. Still, I had a great time! Since it was so warm on that day, it was a great way to cool off!

The water was freezing!!

The next exciting thing I did was going to Neevee's house. Tilly and Lavinia came as well and it was so much fun! Her garden was so fun because it had a climbing frame with a slide and a really cool swing that two people could go on! There was also a freezing cold paddling pool at the end of the slide so when you slid down it, you landed into the ice cold water! Neevee's little brother was constantly spraying us with the watering hose as well!

Me and Tilly swinging!

We'd been out for about half an hour when we realised that we were covered in bugs! Hundreds of little flying beetles had landed on us because they were attracted to sun cream. We came inside for a bit and had a delicious spaghetti dinner that Neevee's mother had made us. It was the best spaghetti I've ever had!
We did some cool colouring

Then we went back outside, played on the trampoline and continued sliding into the paddling pool! I had an excellent time!

Getting sprayed!

Then on Sunday, me, mom and dad went to Wood Green Animal Shelter!
Wood Green

It was so hard not to adopt any of the animals, especially when one of the helpers gave me a mouse to hold! It was so cute and tame and I wanted it!!! After the rodents, we went to see the dogs. The shelter doesn't let people go and see the dogs unless you're thinking about adopting one, so mom had to fill in a form about what type of dog we wanted.
Finally, we saw the cats. They had some really feral looking ones like a Cheetoh that was running about a massive enclosure with a climbing frame! All of the cats were so adorable and I really wanted one, but I know that Maisie would just rip it to shreds if I did get one.

Bengal Cat

Anyway, I've had a pretty eventful week!