Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Monday 25 May 2015

Busy busy busy!

I've been really busy lately! First, I had a really action-packed play date! George came around along with Liv-astrid and her brothers. We played on racing games and I got second place! After we played the racing games, we decided to go to the park! It seemed like a good idea at first but it started to rain! It wasn't just normal rain though, it was cold and wet rain that makes your feet squelch.

On Sunday I went to the cinema with dad to see Tomorrowland! It was really cool and complicated! I think I got the story though. It's about a former boy inventor (Frank) and a teenage girl (Cacey) who travel to a different dimension of futuristic inventions. The plot was actually much more difficult than it looks from the trailer. Even though it wasn't in 3D, I really enjoyed it!

Today, I went to the Burghley Gameshow with mom and dad! It was so much fun! I probably enjoyed it even more because it was actually quite warm! There was hundreds of dogs there! Everything from tiny Chihauhaus to massive Great Danes!
One of the first things we saw was the ferret race. There were four ferrets that had to race through tubes. Most of them had no idea what to do and ended up going backwards! There was one ferret that obviously had trained becuase it bolted to the end of the race! After the race had ended I got to stroke one of the ferrets! Its fur was quite wirery, but it was still soft.

How cute is he?

I couldn't hold him properly in case he bites, but I wanted to!

 We also saw two people who were working as blacksmiths. One of them was putting a metal pole in burning coals and then bashing it with a hammer. It looked like a lot of hard work.

It looked like a lot of hard work just to make a coat-hook!

There were also quite a few show hamsters there! Most of them were asleep but there was a Campbell that was being bought. It was so adorable!
 There was even a gigantic pack of beagles in a field that you could go and stroke. They smelt so much like dog, but they were still really cute! I got to run along with the pack of beagles just like in a hunt, but there wasn't a fox!
I love the dog's face in the front!

There were also gorgeous fluffy Alpacas!

I love their smiley faces

Anyway, I've been really busy! I wonder what I'll be doing next..

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