Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Shepreth Wildlife Park!

Yesterday, I went to Shepreth Wildlife park for a home ed trip! There were no school kids, so it was basically empty except for me, Tilly, Lavinia, Rosie, Elise, Taryn and the parents! Apparently, according to mom there were loads of Home-ed kids there but I didn't see them!

Me and Tilly wandered about on our own for a bit and saw loads of animals like the bats that swoop over your head, the raccoon that was foraging about for food and the amazing lynx! A lynx is a wildcat. It's about the size of a medium dog and it has massive, fluffy ears. Their paws are gigantic for catching slippery rabbits.

Sun bathing Tortoise

We also saw red pandas, but they were asleep. They were still cute though as they were cuddling each other in their sleep, probably to keep warm as it was cold.!
We saw llamas, which were adorable! They where perched precariously on a steep hill and they looked very uncomfortable.

Next we had a talk about bugs. The woman who was giving us the talk was really nice, and she was very enthusiastic! She loved bugs and knew all about them. But there were more than bugs in the Bug City room... there was a really weird type of frog! It was albino and reminded me of the Axolotl (google it!)  It looked like it was smiling at me!

Albino (smiling)  frogs

There was also a gecko wandering free. I was a bit freaked out. The keeper said she would show us how the Gecko eats. She stuck her hand straight into a tank full of creepy, jumping locusts and pulled one out. I stepped back in horror! She put the locust near the Gecko. His eyes glared at it and then, fast as lightening, his sticky tongue shot out and dragged the unsuspecting locust into it's gaping mouth. It crunched the locust between it's jaws and then fled away up the wall with half of the locusts body hanging out of it's jaws. It wanted to eat it's meal in private!

The next talk was the Birds Of Prey demonstration. We missed half of it, but it was really cool! The woman was feeding her birds of prey, 1 day old chicks, which they really enjoyed! I was a bit creeped out by that! The poor chicks!
The barn owl was very co-operative and it flew anywhere the woman told it to go! The buzzard was quite badly behaved! It flew away from the woman and rested on the top of its cage and wouldn't come down! For all I know, it might be still there! The woman told us about how she's always a bit wary of bringing the birds out of their cages, because they're right next to the Bunny House and the birds might catch one!

After that, we headed to the Discovery Centre for a talk about British wildlife. I enjoyed it, but I loved it much more when the staff brought out a Polecat! Polecats are a wild version of ferrets. You couldn't pet it because it was wild. I was a bit disappointed, but the polecat did look very difficult to control! It was climbing under the keeper's arms and trying to escape!

Slippery Polecat
They did let you pet the albino skunk, Flower. She was so fluffy and cute! I didn't want to ever stop petting her, but eventually Rosie dragged me away because we were going to be late for the Tiger Talk!


We did end up missing the Tiger Talk, because we were waiting in the wrong place! There was a sign saying "Tiger Talk" on it, so we thought this was where we should wait, but it was actually on the other side of the tiger enclosure! The woman who was giving the talk was the same one who gave the Bug Talk, and she very kindly started again for us!
She told us how people are cutting down the Rainforests to plant Palm Oil trees. Palm Oil trees don't give any shelter to wildlife, and a lot of animals (tigers included!) are losing their homes. Orang-utans are another example of animals losing their homes. Palm oil is in most things, food and detergents and cosmetics but next time I go shopping, I won't buy anything with Palm Oil in it!
The Tiger didn't look happy it was pacing back and forth

That was the last talk, so we went to the gift shop near the exit. Earlier, me and Tilly had filled out a quiz. If you got all of the answers correct, you won a little lizard toy! We got all of the answers correct and we both got a little lizard each. Lavinia had forgotten to pick up a quiz sheet, and since I have so many things like that, I gave her my lizard. I wasn't that bothered though, because I bought a really cute little fluffy llama toy! I'll put a picture on later!

After the gift shop, we all went home. I really enjoyed going to Shepreth, and I can't wait to go again!

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