Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Friday 27 March 2015

March Madness! (Part 1)

March has been so exciting! Tilly came for two sleepovers and I've just generally been very busy!
During the first sleepover, we did some cool science experiments because mom thought it would be "educational"! We made an awesome exploding volcano out of play-dough we made ourselves! We were testing chemical reactions between vinegar (acid) and bicarbonate of soda (alkaline/base)! The experiment was going really well until we added to much vinegar by accident! Well, it wasn't an accident because mom told us to! It was a very fizzy mess! I had a mini panic attack when Tilly didn't take the funnel away in time and all of the fizzing vinegar shot out of the volcano! I would upload a video, but I'm having a bit of an issue uploading it.
Me and Tilly moulding a volcano! We stuck Peppercorns in for effect!
Me and Till made different colour playdough for the Volcano

 I also did some experiments on my own. I did Gummy bear osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of particles through a semi-permeable membrane from a weaker to a more concentrated solution.
I tested different solutions!

I've already eaten the rest of the gummy bears!
I also tested capillary action in plants. Capillary action is the way in which plants transfer water from the soil into the leaves.
I used coloured water and celery sticks to show how the water moves up the stem!
While I was making the coloured water for the capillary experiment, the blue colouring diffused into the water and it looked really awesome!
This is diffusion!
Diffusion is the movement of particles from a more concentrated to a weaker area!
I also made bread! It was really cool to beat the dough up! I was experimenting with Yeast, which is a single cell fungus. The yeast feeds off the sugar in the dough mixture and when it's warmed up, it produces bubbles of carbon dioxide gas, which makes the bread rise!
Here's the delicious bread buns!

Me beating up the dough! I imagined it was an LA officer! DIE!

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