Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Lamda Exam!

Yesterday, I had my Grade 4 Lamda Exam! I jumped 3 Grades, but I feel like I did better this time!  I had to sing two songs, like before, but this time I had to make a monologue and a story up for one of my characters. The songs I sung were I'm Not That Girl from Wicked and Naughty from Matilda! They were so difficult, but I think I did really well!  I decided to make up my own character and monologue for I'm Not That Girl.

My character is a young girl called Katrina. She's sixteen and she loves dancing, singing and performing. She loves her ballet classes especially because of the handsome boy there, James. She hopes that one day James will fall for her, but unexpectedly, a new girl has arrived at dance. This girl is perfect and everyone is enchanted by her, even James. Katrina knows with this girl around, she has no chance of James ever falling for her or even noticing her now, she's simply not that girl.
Here's my monologue

I’m Not That Girl – Monologue.

How long have I been dancing?  
As long as I can remember!

Mom says I was born with ballet slippers on my feet _ and when I walked, I walked on my tip-toes.
And of course I dreamed of being Prima Ballerina, which was perfect, because it meant I could dance with James... perfect, beautiful James.

*Music* And it was gonna’ happen, until she came along, and she was everything you would expect from a Prima Ballerina... everything I am not...enchanting, endearing, elegant and evidently, James thought so too!
Because the day he set eyes on her... was the day I became......

I was soooo nervous before the exam!!

I also had to answer some questions on my characters. I think I answered them pretty well, and my examiner was very impressed! I don't think any other kids actually rehearsed what they were going to say, so I was one of the most confident! I was also the last kid to have their exam, so I was even more nervous, I think I did really well, though!

Words of inspiration from the other Wildcats

After the exam, mom and dad treated me to a meal at the Sugar Mill! I had chicken and ribs, which is what mother always has. It was absolutely delicious! I loved the ribs the best, so next time I'll just order a rack of ribs!

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