Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Sunday 6 July 2014

Childwickbury Art Festival!

2 days ago, I went to the amazing Childwickbury Arts Festival. I met loads of amazing artists and got their signatures! I made a really cool bracelet from pretty shells and beads, I drew a massive wolf picture in an art class, made some felt in my shoe from real sheep's wool and even made a colourful wool ball!

Me making my wool ball!
That's my amazing bracelet I made myself!

Watching the potter!
We watched a lady making things from clay.
Lavinia asked her to make a vase for us and she did! It looked easy but Mom says it is much harder than it looks!
She had lots of beautiful things for sale but they were very expensive.We liked the Sushi best, but it turns out she hadn't made it ;it was made of plastic!
I'd have loved to try that! I got to touch it though, it felt cold and wet.

One amazing artist made pictures with sugars and food! He painted the picture, then added brown sugar, then roasted it on a barbeque! The finished picture looked amazing! There was a veggie burger on the barbeque and it looked really delicious!
This is the Art Class! The teachers were really funny!
Another artist made sculptures out of scrap metal and they looked so awesome! He made bird wings out of a rake! That's creative! Mom's favourite was the Preying Mantis!

This was the first artist I met when I first arrived. He did an amazing talk, though it was a bit hard to understand him because he had a very  hard to understand French accent. His name was Gerrard.

Another artist I saw (and got an autograph from!) drew cartoon animals, especially birds! He painted with watercolours though he didn't always use watercolours, he used oils which is harder to do! His cartoons and comics were epic! They were so simple, but so creative at the same time!

In a different building, I got the surprise of my life! Hidden in the corner Tilly managed to find this great Pokémon painting! It was only £5, what a bargain! I'm going to find a frame for it and put it in my play room! I'm also going to practise drawing Pokémon myself and using watercolours! I'd sell my paintings for more than £5!

The Kanto reigon starter Pokémon! Charmander, Bulbasaw and Squirtle!

These were only few of the amazing artists I met. If you ask me, these were the best!

But, the best thing that happened was at the end of the day, when Tilly and I decided that Tilly would come to me for a sleepover next week! Tilly also made me a Loom Band! Thanks!
Me and Tilly! Look at those Haribo! Mmm


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love your Pokemon picture. Taryn x

  3. It seems that you were thrilled with the stuff you saw in the art festival. Kudos to the artist who transformed those scrap metals from a rake into a figure of a preying mantis! It looks really cool, and it takes genuine creativity to make something like that out of a rubbish. Cheers!

    Brandi Bradley @ Rotax Metals
