Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Thursday 24 July 2014

Oasby Summer Music Festival

Tilly came with me for the Oasby music festival! On the way there, we spotted a really cool van with eyelashes! Don't see that every day!
Me and Tilly at the interval before the show!

I performed the Bear Dance at the show and I did it perfectly! The whole show was around 3 hours and my performance was 40 seconds... It was pretty boring and painful because of the violinists, they were horrible! So, we escaped early from the show in the interval!

Sleepover Excitement!

Another 5-nighter?! Tilly came round to my house for another 5 night sleepover! We made loads of Loom Bands, had a pillow fight, went to Woburn Safari Park, and had a delicious dinner!

Me and Tilly tried a different type of loom band, a waterfall (or at least I think it was  a waterfall)! We spread the loom bands over 3 fingers and our middle finger went really grey! So we didn't make a waterfall bracelet, I might try using a loom for that type!

When it was time for bed, Tilly decided we should have a pillow fight! She won, of course, but it was still fun! We wacked each other down with pillows and I hurt myself a bit but it was okay.

The Bird Show

The day after, we had a very special trip to Woburn Safari Park! First, we went around all of the animals but I was a bit disappointed because the wolves weren't out. It was just too hot! After we went around, we went to a bird show! I thought it was cool but Mom said it was a bit boring.

Then we checked out the Gift Shop! Tilly got herself and Lavinia a cool cup with a windy straw and I got two rubber animals! A cobra and a crocodile!

We tried to go around the safari a second time but we were too late so me and Tilly played in the gigantic soft play! There was a really bumpy, fast and high slide but I went on it twice! I did feel a bit sick after it though.

Me and Tilly doing all the hard work!

None of us knew what the walk-about-bit was like, so me and Tilly were over the moon when we saw a ride where you pedalled a giant plastic swan around a river! Dad came with us to help but me and Tilly did all the work!

Either way, I had a great time even though I didn't get to see any wolves!

Tilly was a bit scared of the Ostriches

Me and Tilly in the park at Woburn

After Woburn Safari Park, me and Tilly played a game where she was a fox and I was a wolf making dens and looking after our pups!

Then, we went to The Sugar Mill to have a delicious dinner! I was stuffed and so tired afterwards!

The time passed so quickly, but I sure am tired and need a brake from long sleepovers!
I will upload pictures as soon as they're on the laptop!

Whipsnade Zoo!

The elephants were cool
On Thursday, I went to Whipsnade Zoo with Mom and Tilly! I had such a great time! There were loads of talks but way too much walking! The first talk, the bear talk, was only a short walk, then the next talk (forgot what it was! Oops!) was ages away! All the talks were too far away from each other, that's the only bad bit about the zoo.

I was a bit disappointed because all of the wolves and lynx were hiding in the bushes. The bears were caged in a really tiny cage and when the school kids got to feed them, they hit the bears with the food which must have hurt!

The penguins had the best area but it was the longest walk! The penguins had 2 pools all to themselves! Well, they shared with the ducks and some other birds, but I don't think the penguins minded.
In the lion area, there was a giant lion skin from a real lion! It  had been shot and its skin had been found when someone was trying to smuggle it through customs! You could see the scar from where it had been shot, it was so sad!

After the penguins we were exhausted so we had a ride on the zoo bus and played in the park for a bit. The park was really fun! There were climbing frames everywhere and I went on them! I hurt my foot a bit on the net climbing frames, but it didn't really hurt.
Resting our feet!!

After the zoo, Tilly came back home with me to continue the sleepover!
Here are more pics from the Zoo.

Me and Tilly being silly!

There's the beautiful penguin enclosure!
There's a mysterious type of animal around the zoo, but they're so cute!
That's how tall I am compared to a Giraffe.

Tuesday 15 July 2014


Tilly came to my house for a 5 night sleepover! From Wednesday all the way to Monday! I had such a great time, I learned how to make Loom bands (I have loads of them now), started playing Sims 2 again and taught Tilly how to play Minecraft! I wished she could have stayed for a week, but on Thursday, we're going to the zoo and I might bring her home for another sleepover! I can't wait!

We did get some pictures, but I'll upload them when they're on the laptop.

And here they are!

We went to the fun-fair in Peterborough!

We went swimming at the Lido. It was really hot but the pool was FREEZING!!

We sunbathed by the pool. Mom was mad because we soaked the towels and had nothing to dry with.
We had a delicious meal at the Sugar Mill

We drew Pokémon!
Me and Tilly at the park

Geology Dig!

About a week ago, I went to a cool Geology Dig in a place near Bedford! Quite a few kids were there, including Taryn and Freya, the twins (from Cambridge!), Tilly and Lavinia and some other kids. There was a wall about 3m high and it was so iron rich! The wall was a red-ish colour, and that's because it had loads of iron in! I even got a go with a  pickaxe and broke off a bit of iron to bring it home! When I hit the iron, it made a really metallic sound!
I drew a "Field Sketch"of the iron-wall. I drew a key and I thought it looked really cool! The teacher came up to me and said it was "Perfect"!

I also found loads of trace fossils! Which were a red colour and they were in the shape of triangles. I felt really lucky and special, until I found out they were really common.

Some of the kids had tools like brushes and pickaxes. I didn't know to bring one, but I got to borrow both a brush and a pickaxe from some other kids.

I had a great time, and best of all, I got to take Tilly home for another 3 days of sleepover! (She had already stayed for 2 days, which I will tell you about in my next post!)!

Sunday 6 July 2014

Childwickbury Art Festival!

2 days ago, I went to the amazing Childwickbury Arts Festival. I met loads of amazing artists and got their signatures! I made a really cool bracelet from pretty shells and beads, I drew a massive wolf picture in an art class, made some felt in my shoe from real sheep's wool and even made a colourful wool ball!

Me making my wool ball!
That's my amazing bracelet I made myself!

Watching the potter!
We watched a lady making things from clay.
Lavinia asked her to make a vase for us and she did! It looked easy but Mom says it is much harder than it looks!
She had lots of beautiful things for sale but they were very expensive.We liked the Sushi best, but it turns out she hadn't made it ;it was made of plastic!
I'd have loved to try that! I got to touch it though, it felt cold and wet.

One amazing artist made pictures with sugars and food! He painted the picture, then added brown sugar, then roasted it on a barbeque! The finished picture looked amazing! There was a veggie burger on the barbeque and it looked really delicious!
This is the Art Class! The teachers were really funny!
Another artist made sculptures out of scrap metal and they looked so awesome! He made bird wings out of a rake! That's creative! Mom's favourite was the Preying Mantis!

This was the first artist I met when I first arrived. He did an amazing talk, though it was a bit hard to understand him because he had a very  hard to understand French accent. His name was Gerrard.

Another artist I saw (and got an autograph from!) drew cartoon animals, especially birds! He painted with watercolours though he didn't always use watercolours, he used oils which is harder to do! His cartoons and comics were epic! They were so simple, but so creative at the same time!

In a different building, I got the surprise of my life! Hidden in the corner Tilly managed to find this great Pokémon painting! It was only £5, what a bargain! I'm going to find a frame for it and put it in my play room! I'm also going to practise drawing Pokémon myself and using watercolours! I'd sell my paintings for more than £5!

The Kanto reigon starter Pokémon! Charmander, Bulbasaw and Squirtle!

These were only few of the amazing artists I met. If you ask me, these were the best!

But, the best thing that happened was at the end of the day, when Tilly and I decided that Tilly would come to me for a sleepover next week! Tilly also made me a Loom Band! Thanks!
Me and Tilly! Look at those Haribo! Mmm

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Toothless and Lost Cats!

I was feeling rather arty, so me and mom drew Toothless from the How To Train Your Dragon movie! I did a post about HTTYD 2, remember?
I feel rather accomplished with this drawing, and I think it's better than mom's! Considering this is my first attempt of drawing Toothless, I think I did excellent!

I had quite the adventure today, it involved cats! Mom showed me a picture on Facebook of a lost cat in Bourne, so I went out looking for it when I took Maisie on a walk. I found an adorable cat hidden in the tall grass, that looked just like the lost one, but it wouldn't let me see it's collar to confirm if it was the lost cat. I rushed back home and dropped Maisie off as fast as I could, then darted back outside to see if the cat had moved. It hadn't, but I could tell it wasn't going to come to me, despite how much I tried sweet talking to it.
Later, on Maisie's second dog walk, I looked out for the cat again but it had disappeared completely.  However in it's place was a grey/blue cat with short fur and white markings! It was beautiful, so I went back home to get some cat treats to coax it with. Luckily, even though I don't have a cat, we have treats for the "Sainsbury's cat", but that's another story!
The cat looked at the treats curiously and twitched her nose, but she couldn't be persuaded to leave her hiding place in the tall grass. I was so disappointed, I would've loved to have stroked her. I threw the treats near her and she ate them almost instantly! I felt so accomplished, I just hope I can find the real lost cat!


I have been growing beautiful lilies and a cherry tree in my garden for a while now, and they look really cool! Mom let me eat one of the cherries (after washing it, of course!), but it tasted so sour! I can almost still taste it in my mouth, and this is ages after I ate it! I'll give the cherries another week or so, then try to eat another one! Hopefully the next one will be sweet and not sour! Mom says it's because they are not ripe yet, but I couldn't wait!

Here's me before I ate the sour cherry!

The sour taste is coming back to my mouth!

The cherries look beautiful, shame they don't taste the same..

Here are the lilies. They look beautiful but Mom hates the smell!
They are beautiful aren't they?