Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Monday 31 March 2014

Mothers Day! And more!

Oasby Music Festival!

Zapdos Articuno Moltres art!

Cake Soap smells of Cherries!! Bought at Marston Vale

Bath Bomb Eggs! Also from Marston Vale!

Shamballa Bracelet! Very hard to make so mother helped a lot!

Mother's Day Presesies! Aren't I amazing?!

Twist of Gold. Michael Morpurgo

More Postcards!

A few days ago I received another postcard! This one was from Robin, all the way in China; that's 9, 115 kilometres! If I wanted to travel to China on a plane, I'd have a 13 hour long travel! I'd be too bored to travel there! Well, I could watch a film... or play a game, or read a book, or even chat!
Robin likes One Direction and Mika. To be honest, I've never heard of Mika, but he sounds cool.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Farm Boy

Farm Boy by Michael Morpurgo

Main Characters:
The boy

Grandpa can't read, so he challenges his grandson to teach him to read and write before Christmas. On Christmas Eve, Grandpa can finally read and write, so he writes out the story of his life for his grandson. The boy loves hearing Grandpa's stories, but Grandpa has a secret.

In my opinion, I found the story really believable, so I really liked it. The book could have been longer, because I could have read it in a day.

The characters seem very real, and I could imagine  them in my head. The boy has a good relationship with Grandpa.

I did like the language, it was very easy to read. The language was also descriptive, so I could picture it in my head.

I liked the book because it had lots of lovely illustrations by Michael Foreman. He draws beautiful pictures of horses.

Farm Boy is a sequel to War Horse. I haven't even read War Horse yet, but it must be good because it was made into a block-buster film!

Buy the book here!!


Did I ever mention that I did PostCrossing? PostCrossing lets you send postcards all over the world to strangers, so you can speak to people that you haven't even met! You also get to learn more about Geography and the globe!

My latest card came from the United States of America in Alabama! The person who sent the card, Kel, has an eight year old daughter who loves wolves as well! The card travelled 6,916 kilometres! Wow!!

I also got another card all the way from Taiwan (that's next to China)! Hsilan loves her boyfriend's dog, even though she was afraid of it when she first met her him. This card travelled 9,688 kilometres!!!!

I can't wait until my next PostCrossing card comes! It's so exciting to read them because I hardly ever get good post through the mail.

Okay, I'm off to post a couple of cards now!

Saturday 22 March 2014

Piano Grade 1 Certificate

Here is my Piano certificate. If I was just a little bit better at sight reading I would have got a distinction! I was PERFECT at my scales though!

Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo

Thursday 20 March 2014

Lincoln University

Yesterday I went to Lincoln University for a science education day. I watched Dog Clicker Training and got the dog to perform tricks. The dog was a boxer cross rescue called Lexie. We fed her cocktail sausages and cheese when she refused the proper dog treats.

Lexie with her "slow feeding" bowl

Lexie waiting for a treat

My Fingerprint!
There was a scientist who was telling us all about forensic science (that's what the police use to identify criminals). There was a crime scene with a dead body on the floor! I made a fingerprint on a keychain. I had a look at a DNA like substance. We used Washing-up liquid and ether and salt to extract the DNA out of strawberries. We had to mush everything in a bag and the strawberries smelt lovely!
Making a mush!

I coloured a duck with Lemonade on litmus paper. Litmus paper tells us the PH value of a substance. Lemon juice is acid!
I held real skulls (including a wolf skull, cat, Pekinese dog, coyote, fox and red wolf!). The man showing us the skulls had the most amazing job ever! He went to Italy to study wolves and foxes! That's my dream job! He had a degree in Zoology. I'll look at Zoology when I grow up!
I looked at newts swimming around in mucky coloured water,
I looked through a microscope at cells and examined a robot with moving fingers!
Reminds me of Stephen!

When I grow up, I'd like to go to that University, it seems really interesting.

When dad uploads the photos, I'll add some pictures of the dog we trained, the robot and the fingerprint keychain. Update; Done!

Tuesday 18 March 2014

When do I get time to type all of this?!?!

And they say that I never get out of the house... Just listen to my latest adventure-thingyies!!

A few days ago, I went to  my friend Lara's birthday party! We played some pretty awesome party games like Pass-The-Parcel, Musical Statues, Musical Bumps, Dancing Competitions... Everything! The kids even had a trampoline to play on!! Tilly and Lavinia, Taryn, two other girls and of course Lara were there. I won 3 prizes for competitions but I can't remember what competitions they actually were. Me, Taryn and Lara just danced like insane people most of the time, my legs were aching the next day.
For party food, all the kids had a pizza slice. There was a giant rectangular pizza in a box that we could all share. I only had one slice, but that was really filling! For desert there were cakes, jam tarts, chocolate fingers and much more.

Last Sunday, I went swimming with dad! I swam at least 50 yards (who uses yards anymore..) without moving my arms! Swimming is good exercise, but it's also really fun!

My mom is reading me Tom's Midnight Garden now, I never really got into it when I was reading it by myself. When I finish the book, I'll do a review on it!

There is a whole new dimension for me on Minecraft! It's not really a dimension though... I've started Skyping! I Skype with my friend Ralfie and my other friend BlackAragorn whenever I can! It's so much easier to play the game when you can actually speak without typing!

Monday 17 March 2014

Elephant in the Garden!

I have read Elephant in the Garden by my favourite author Michael Morpurgo.
Here is my review:

Friday 14 March 2014

I never get a break!

Tuesday I went to Belton House! Belton House is owned by the National Trust. The best bit about Belton House (or for me, anyway) was the deer. You could almost get to touch the deer, they weren't afraid of you at all! Even when I started walking up to them, one just crept a bit closer to nibble on the grass.

There were lots of  fallow deer just wandering about
the grounds; over 300!
The deer didn't even notice me, he just nibbled the grass!
There were many play things at Belton House, and I had a great time with my friends! I also made a new friend that day, Ruby. Ruby is home-educated, like me! Lucy and I slid down slides and went on the little train! Despite its size, the train moved very fast, and we had to duck when we came to the bridge so we didn't hit our heads! I can't wait to go back to Belton House, to see if I can actually get closer to the deer! I also got some little bean-filled creatures! I got a fire lizard and a frog!
Me, Ruby and Thomas

Me and Ruby

Me and Lucy on the train.

I bought these creatures from the shop gift at Belton House

Yesterday, I had a long and slow drive to Whisby Adventure (Nature) Park! The drive was slow because it took much longer than we expected it to, and we got stuck in traffic. I met Ruby there as well as some new friends! The park had a big sandbox, a shop, a café, a bird-watch island, a small water-castle for us to play on, and a secret den for me and Ruby to hide in! I got my brand new leggings so dirty from the sandbox that they had to be thrown out! At least they were cheap. I just couldn't help getting something from the shop, so I got a tweeting Nuthatch bird!
He makes a genuine Nuthatch sound!

3 packs of cards cost £12

I also went to Sainsbury's a few days ago and got the best purchases ever! I got 3 packs of Pokémon Black and White trading cards!!! It took me ages to find them but it was worth it!

I had been waiting for my little Laparas Pokémon toy to come for ages; it finally came yesterday! I now know why it took so long for it to come, it was shipped all the way from China! I just got a Chinese Laparas!
He travelled a long way all the way from China!
But he was worth the wait!

Saturday 8 March 2014

Busy again!

I love Pancake Tuesday, but I don't like to eat pancakes!. Mam and I decided we'd make our own special pancakes for Pancake Tuesday, felt ones! The felt pancakes were accompanied by some delicious, sweet felt strawberries, and a drizzling of soft, sugary syrup. The pancake looked so delicious that I fooled dad into thinking they were real pancakes!!

Good enough to eat!

I also went to Grantham Music Festival. The Festival turned out to be a competition! There were only two awards to give out for Grade One paino, 1st and 2nd. I had made a mistake in my piano piece and I was up against Grade 3s! Despite all that, I still won 2nd place!
As you all know, finished my Grade 1 Piano Exam. The results came back but I don't have the certificate yet. I passed with merit! Apparently Merit is really good, but I never learned about all the different types of passes.

A while ago, I went to a fun place in Lincoln called The Collection. I went there with my friend Lucy. The Collection has a museum, an art gallery, a café and a small shop! Lucy and I went off to play, but I just read about the first tamed dogs which were wolves!
Me and Lucy and some other guy!

Roman soldiers.