Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Sunday 28 June 2015

More Virtual Art!

Yesterday, I finished this picture on Paint Tool Sai.

It's of two warrior cats, one I made up and one that's actually in the books!
Here's how the story goes. Lionblaze (the golden tabby who's in the books) killed Russetfur in battle one day. Russetspot (the dark red spotted cat that I made up) figured out how the original Russet died and wanted revenge.

I used 28 layers (which is a lot) and it took a few hours to finish!

Wildcats Live!

Yesterday, I did my Wildcats Live show at the Cresset Theatre in Peterborough! It was very hectic and scary, but I really enjoyed it! I took part 4 pieces. The first one was the opening, Let it Be. We didn't do a dance for that, but I was still really nervous!
The second one was Help. All of the seniors from all of the different groups. It was quite difficult to do the dance because the stage was so crowded!
The third song I was in was my class piece, Smash. I was extremely nervous for that one because we had to do a lift  with one of my classmates called Maisie. It was really difficult, but we did it perfect!
The last piece I was in was the finale. It was almost perfect, except for the fact that my group couldn't get on the stage! The curtain we were behind  wouldn't open so a few of the people went under it before we found the actual entrance ! Oops!

Even though I was shattered after the day of being at the Cresset, I still had a great time! I can't wait for next year!

Off to the Show

Friday 26 June 2015


Today, I got a new hamster called Dawn! I reserved him the first day he got into the pet shop because he reminded me so much of Holly. He had the same type of markings (just a bit darker) and he has long fur. He acts like Holly as well! He likes running on his wheel and he loves to climb about. He's definately a handfull!

Space Dome!

The last sleepover adventure was the Space Dome at Gamlingay. It was a giant, dome shaped tent that  is blacked out on the inside. The guy who was giving us a talk projected pictures of planets and stars on the roof of the dome. Me and Tilly lay on our backs, so it felt like we were stargazing! We learned quite a few random facts like the fact that you can fit 3,000 Earths on Jupiter!

We played a cool game...

...we had to get the ball (planet) in the right hole!

Afterwards, we went into the park to play! It seems as though I'm cursed as I lost my coat! I left it in some part of the forest and I was planning to come back to it at the end of the day. However, when I went to find it, it was gone!

Anyway, I'm doing my Wildcats show tomorrow and I'm really nervous!

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Refugees at Duxford!

On Wednesday, me, Tilly and Mom went to Duxford Air Museum! The day before, we  had made some cool gas mask boxes which we used to store sweets in! We also had a refugee-girl outfit which made us look like orphans!


We went to have 2 "home ed" talks. The first one was about the Battle Of Britain. The guy giving us the talk was explaining about different tactics in the battle and how Britain won it.

We tried on lots of hats but these ones were HEAVY!

The second talk was meant to be about the people that go around the towns and cities, otherwise known as "air raid wardens" making sure all the lights are switched off. However, we went in the wrong group! We ended up in the school group, learning about refugee children. We wondered if we should leave but we stayed anyway! It was much quieter than a home ed group but not as much fun!
The teacher showed us a an old propaganda clip from a movie about refugee children. It made it look like an adventure! with all of the happy music and words like "Embarking on an adventure". The teacher also showed us some items like tea and old coffee pots. She explained how everything was rationed and how you only got a bag of 15 sweets a month!

We played in the park but it was full of school kids, so we kept out of the way!

Once we'd seen all of the talk and played in the park, we went to watch the planes flying. We saw spitfires taking off and we even got to see a helicopter land!

Later we went to the Sugar Mill for dinner.


Monday 22 June 2015

Sleepover and Gymkhana

Yesterday, I went to Wrest Park to see Tilly, Lavinia and William! We played for a little bit but Tilly couldn't wait to get home because she was coming home with me for a sleepover! We haven't had much time for playing, because today we went to Pony Club! It was wet and cold but it was still really fun! We did some gymkhana in groups of 3. Me, Tilly and Faith got to take turns riding Dylan. We got to weave him through poles, carry  little blue rings and we even got to lead him! It was only meant to be a gentle walk, but it turns out that Dylan is very competitive! He was trying to cheat by trotting! In the end, we got 1st place! Me, Tilly and Faith were given a beautiful blue rosette! My very first award!

We did some stuff indoors because it was pouring with rain!

We got 1st place in the Gymkhana

Tuesday 16 June 2015

3rd Session of Pony Club!

The title says it all!  On Monday I went to my 3rd session of Pony Club! This week, it was just me and Summer! We learnt about the different colours of ponies and how to do a standing trot. A standing trot is when you stand up in the stirrups for a second and then sit down again while the pony's trotting! It's so difficult and it really hurts! I didn't give up though! Mom got some cool videos and a few pictures of me! Unfortunately, it takes years to upload videos to blogspot so you can't see how fast I was going.

Sorry this post is a bit short, I'll try to do a longer one next time!

Friday 12 June 2015

June Catch-up!

Sorry I haven't done a blog post in ages! I guess I've just been really busy (and lazy)!

First, I went to my second lesson of Pony Club! I learned about the dangers of ponies and what not to do. I also got to play a cool game with sticky notes. A few body parts of a pony were written down on sticky notes and me and the other kids had to stick them where we thought they went! I got withers (how difficult is that?!) but I got it! The withers are between the pony's shoulders. And of course, I got to ride a pony, I got to ride Mickey. Mickey was pure white and he was an absolute giant! He was really well behaved though. This week, we got to trot the ponies. I had someone holding on to a rope, but the two kids behind me had to do it by themselves! I don't think I'll have anyone helping me next week!

The other day, I went to a cool summer fair at Woolmer Green. It was Alice in Wonderland themed! If you ask me, it wasn't as good as the other parties that I'd been to, but it was still pretty cool. All the kids got to decorate masks. I chose to try one of the masks that you scratch to create a pattern. When you scratch the black side of the mask, it leaves a rainbow colour behind! It's really cool!

The masks were way too small! They wouldn't fit my face!

There was also an amazing bubble-man there! He made giant bubbles, put bubbles inside of bubbles and even put people inside of bubbles! It was really awesome! Mom got a cool picture which I'll put on later.
It felt quite scary inside a bubble.

I was the first to catch a bubble on my nose!

Yesterday, I went to Gamlingay. We got to make pizzas and decorate paper bags! The pizza wasn't that good, but I still enjoyed it!

The cheese tasted good

After making pizzas, everyone went to the park. In the middle of a game, I found a little wingless green fly! It was so adorable, I carried it everywhere! Mother was seeing if my arm was burnt so she was patting it. I tried to warn her in time but she squished my little green fly! R.I.P Lime.

Once almost everyone was gone, me, Tilly and Lavinia started playing in the sand! BIG MISTAKE! My new white shorts were sandy-brown with dirt and I don't think they'll ever be clean again.. Sorry mom.

Anyway, June's been really busy! I wonder what will happen next?

The finished bags. Tilly likes feathers!

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Lamda Grade 4

Today I got my LAMDA grade 4 certificate!

It was so difficult but well worth it and I am very proud of the work I put in! Of course I couldn't have done it without my trusty mother. She was so creative and helped me a lot with my choreography and my singing.

I passed with Merit!

Pony Club!

1st Lesson at Pony Club

Yesterday, I went to my first session of Pony Club! It was so awesome! At Pony Club, I got to brush and bond with a pony. Her name was Jeanie and she was very naughty! She was constantly moving around and was refusing to sit still and be brushed! I was a bit nervous, as I thought I'd  have to ride this mischievous mare! Turns out that I got to ride Dylan. It was quite easy getting on to him because you could stand on a big rock. Once I was on him and we had to wait for the other kids to get on the ponies, Dylan really didn't co-operate. He thrashed his head around and nearly pulled me off! I was starting to panic when I noticed Summer on the horse next to me. She was riding Jeanie and just like before, Jeanie did not want to sit still! She was spinning around and stamping her hooves! Once we got moving, all of the ponies just went along with it. They were being led by the young workers who looked like volunteers. While I was riding Dylan, I learnt how to make him go and how to make him stop! I also learnt all about the different types of brushes and what they're for!
Pony Club is on every Monday and I can't wait to go back!!

Dylan was so well behaved!