Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Sunday 10 July 2016

Ice Skating!

Mom warned me not to go, but I didn't listen. I went ice skating. I think of all the sports I've tried, ice skating was the worst. It's cold, it's painful and it's so difficult. Despite Tilly and Lavinia trying to help me skate, I still fell down loads. After 15 minutes of attempting to skate, I gave up and decided to sit on the bench outside of the ice rink. I felt like I was freezing to death!
After another 20 minutes or so, the ice skating session ended and we left. It was so warm outside of the rink, I felt like I was walking around an oven!

There was a park nearby at Willen Lake, so we went there to play. There were lots of climbing frames and slides, I had a great time! Me, Tilly and Lavinia played a game where we gave each other challenges like having to slide the toddler slide backwards or climb up the biggest slide with our eyes closed.

By the time we left the park, we were very hungry. Before we went for dinner, we had a look in a bookstore in MK. It was my favourite, Waterstone's! I've never noticed this before, but most bookstores seem to have a Manga (Japanese comics) section! I spent most of my time there reading, before we went to the nearby Wagamama's for dinner. I had a delicious meal of crumbed chicken, rice and a delicious sauce.

Even though I hated the ice skating, I still had a great time!

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