Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Wednesday 13 April 2016

More sleepovers at the Shovlin Hotel!

A regular visitor of ours has come back to the Shovlin Hotel last week, Tilly!
On the day we picked her up, we went to Neevee's house. I'm not sure how you spell her name, so I'll just spell it "Neevee" for now.
It's always a lot of fun at Neevee's because her garden is like a playground with a cool climbing frame and swings. On the other side of the garden there is a massive field and it was full of sheep and lambs. The boy that lives there said he would get one of the lambs and bring it into the garden so we could pet it! We even got to hold it.

Unfortunately the lamb was getting scared at being separated from his mother so the boy had to put him back in the field.
As much as I enjoyed playing at Neevee's house, I couldn't wait to get back home and officially start the sleepover! We played on the laptop and watched some tv, but we did quite a bit educational stuff too!
The next day we went to Woolsthorpe Manor, where Isaac Newton was born in 1643. There's a lot to tell you about that, so you can read about it in another post. In fact, there was so much about it that me and Tilly each made a little booklet about it.

On the last day of the sleepover, we met with Cat, Lavinia and William at Queensgate Shopping Centre. About halfway through the shopping, Liv-astrid joined us, as well. We had a browse around and ended up buying some sweets and chocolates, delicious!
Dodging the water fountains!
While we were there, we also saw Peterborough Cathedral. There were loads of complicated patterns on the roof that were really fascinating to look at. There were also lots of candle holders with lots of tea-lights on them, and mom let us light our own tea-lights.

After a long day of shopping, everyone had to go back home. I wish I could have taken Tilly back home with me! Oh well, hopefully she'll come for another sleepover soon.

Taking a break from shopping!
In other news, I've finally gotten my piano exam results back! I got a Distinction, which is the top mark!  I haven't got my exact marks back yet, but I know I've got a distinction. Phew!!!

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