Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Thursday 21 April 2016


Myths and Legends!

That was the theme at Eureka yesterday. Eureka is a home-ed group in King's Lynn and it's always amazing! It's a shame it's only on once a month, though.
Anyway, back to myths and legends. There were lots of tables set up with different crafts, all to do with Greek mythology and myths.

You could decorate cakes with grey icing to represent a stone and then stick in a plastic, cocktail sword. This was to represent the Sword in The Stone. By the time mom got her camera out to take a picture of the cake, I had already devoured it!

You could also make mermaids out of a wooden peg. All you needed to do was draw on your mermaid's design and then get some wool for the hair. The tail of the mermaid was a bit more complicated, as you had to cut out the tail shape out of foam squares! I think I did a good job, though!

Another creature you could make was a dragon! I love dragons, so I definitely wanted to do this one. The dragon was made out of pipe cleaners and more foam square. I couldn't get mine to stand up like the example dragon, so I just made mine lie down. He was tired!
My sleepy Dragon!
There was a table where could make a picture of a Phoenix. You took a piece of black card and, using red, yellow and orange chalk and a bunch of colourful feathers, you could create your Phoenix. A Phoenix is a mythical bird-like creature that lives for a thousand years. Even then it never dies as it's re-born time and time again. When it is nearing the end of its life it builds a fire and throws itself into the flames. Then it rises again from the ashes! You can read all about the phoenix here!

My Phoenix
One of the most time-consuming things there was the Medusa Headband. In Greek mythology, Medusa was a monster with a human face and venomous snakes in her hair. To make the Medusa headband, I took a plastic headband and wound green pipe-cleaners around it to make the snakes. Next I curled the end of each pipe cleaner to make a head. Next is the tedious bit; I stuck tiny googly eyes and a tiny forked tongues, cut from orange paper, to the snakes' heads. I used those tiny sticky dots and they were so fiddly. It was so tedious that mom took over because I really just wanted to play outside with Lillianna and a new girl, called Rosina (I think that's how her name is spelled.) Anyway, the Medusa hairband turned out really well. I wore it at home, to take some photos and Maisie looked really afraid. The pipe cleaners really do like the snakes in Medusa's hair!

Medusa's scary serpents!

After all the crafts, I went outside to play with Lillianna and the rest of the kids  until it was time to go home. It was a lovely sunny day so we stayed really late!

I wonder what the theme will be at Eureka next month?

In other news, The Queen turned 90 today! She's the longest ever reining monarch, and the oldest, so this is one special birthday! Did you know when she went to Brazil in 1968 she was gifted two sloths? Unfortunately sloths can't really live in palaces, so they were donated to London Zoo instead. So it wasn't just Corgis that she owned!

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