Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Sunday 2 August 2015

Baston in the Blitz

Today, me, mom and dad went to an awesome fair called "Baston in the Blitz"!
Baston is a village in Bourne and the Blitz happened during WW2 when Hitler bombed London.

There was so much to see and do! I'm surprised we had time to see it all!

The first thing we saw was the German medic tent. it looked so dirty and scary, I certainly didn't want to be in there!

While we were walking around I asked mother if dogs were used in the war and she didn't know. A few minutes later, we came across a tent with a tiny terrier! She was called Dolly and she was a Russian dog. In the war, she was sent to enemy camps with two sacks full of gunpowder and a little switch on her back. She was sent to enemy camps to run under tanks. When she went under the tanks, the little switch on her back gets pushed, setting off the gunpowder. Poor little thing! It's so sad.

Also in Russia, children as young as 6 were sent out to fight along with women as there weren't enough men. Children that were around my age were snipers. The idea of being  sniper is actually kind of exciting to me!

Dolly was so adorable! She liked to bark a lot though.

Sitting with Dolly!

Quite later on, I saw a coal miner! He looked so cool, I thought I'd get a picture with him! He gave me an iron (well, I think it was iron) oil lamp to hold! It was really heavy!

Coal Miner!

We also saw a German tent with an MG42 machine gun! It is the most powerful machine gun ever! I was also given some ammo to hang around my neck and a hat! The ammo was really, really heavy! It can fire 1200 rounds per minute, twice as many as the British machine guns!
Me sitting at the MG42!

I also got to hold the Russian sniper! It was really heavy. Everything in the war was really heavy! Remember, 8 year old kids were holding and carrying around these!

Russian Sniper!

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