Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Friday 7 August 2015

A day out in Milton Keynes!

I've always wanted to have a go at stop-motion animation and finally, I got my chance! There was a full day workshop at Milton Keynes. For those who don't know, Milton Keynes is a long way from where I live, one and a half hours away! I love all of the shops, especially Nandos! Anyway, stop-motion is a type of animation where you make a little scene (usually out of clay models) and take a picture. Next, you move the models a little bit and take another picture! You keep doing that over and over again then when you play all of the pictures it'll make a little movie!
The class was doing a movie about a collie dog called Rob that was in World War 1 and survived. The story says that he used to jump out of aircrafts with a parachute and land in enemy territory! We didn't really get to learn much more about Rob, or World War 1, as we spent most of the time making the clay models and filming them.
I was in charge of making  the Dickins Medal that Rob was awarded for Gallantry! Even though mom helped, it took a very long time! Just as we had finished making the medal, the teacher told us we had to make some hands out of clay to present the medal to Rob! Thankfully, mom's very skilled in making hands!

Waiting for the class to start!

Check out my cool medal on the table!
After the class, me and mom decided to go to the MK shopping centre! We used to go there all the time when we lived in Bedford. First, we went for dinner at Nandos. We shared a full platter of chicken, rice and chips. It was delicious!
Because it's the school holidays, The Centre had a massive sand pit in the middle. It's like a fake beach, only much better! There was even deck-chairs for the parents and an ice-cream cart! I was having a great time, until I flicked sand into my eye.

We didn't get home until really late. The guinea pigs were starving because they hadn't had their salad!

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