Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Sunday 16 August 2015


Yesterday, I went to Liv-astrid's birthday party! I had an awesome time! First, we played with the balloons and opened presents until everyone arrived. Once everyone was here, we started tucking into delicious cupcakes! I had a lemon drizzle one.

We even got to sprinkle sugar crystals on our cakes!

Glass painting

We did some crafts where we painted onto glass candle holders. They came out really good!

Then we lit the awesome flower candles on Liv-astrid's birthday cake and sang Happy Birthday. The candle even playd the Happy Birthday tune. It was so cool! Just like a water-lily.

After that, we burned off all of our energy in the garden before watching Karate Kid 2! After we finished watching the movie, we went to the park!

When we came back, we had dinner. We had some macaroni cheese, potatoes and a bit of salad. It was really nice. After a bit more fun in the garden, it was time for me to go home. Tilly and Lavinia stayed at Liv-Astrid's for a sleepover!

Anyway, thanks for the awesome time. I loved the little party bag!

Finished candles!

Pony Club!

Last Monday, I went to Pony Club. This week, we practised our rising trot. I certainly feel like I did better this week! After the riding, we had another competition! We were set into teams of two and we had to race against the other teams to completely clean out a stable. We had to change the water, empty the stable of the dirty hay, get two massive bags of fresh hay and spread it out and clean out all the poos! It was very tiring. Thankfully I had a strong team-mate to help me carry all of the heavy things!  My team came 3rd. We all won a little chocolate! It was delicious!

Friday 7 August 2015

A day out in Milton Keynes!

I've always wanted to have a go at stop-motion animation and finally, I got my chance! There was a full day workshop at Milton Keynes. For those who don't know, Milton Keynes is a long way from where I live, one and a half hours away! I love all of the shops, especially Nandos! Anyway, stop-motion is a type of animation where you make a little scene (usually out of clay models) and take a picture. Next, you move the models a little bit and take another picture! You keep doing that over and over again then when you play all of the pictures it'll make a little movie!
The class was doing a movie about a collie dog called Rob that was in World War 1 and survived. The story says that he used to jump out of aircrafts with a parachute and land in enemy territory! We didn't really get to learn much more about Rob, or World War 1, as we spent most of the time making the clay models and filming them.
I was in charge of making  the Dickins Medal that Rob was awarded for Gallantry! Even though mom helped, it took a very long time! Just as we had finished making the medal, the teacher told us we had to make some hands out of clay to present the medal to Rob! Thankfully, mom's very skilled in making hands!

Waiting for the class to start!

Check out my cool medal on the table!
After the class, me and mom decided to go to the MK shopping centre! We used to go there all the time when we lived in Bedford. First, we went for dinner at Nandos. We shared a full platter of chicken, rice and chips. It was delicious!
Because it's the school holidays, The Centre had a massive sand pit in the middle. It's like a fake beach, only much better! There was even deck-chairs for the parents and an ice-cream cart! I was having a great time, until I flicked sand into my eye.

We didn't get home until really late. The guinea pigs were starving because they hadn't had their salad!

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Pony Club Again!

Yesterday I went to Pony Club after a 2 week break.
I got to ride Mickey which I was very happy about. He is so obedient and stops and goes when I tell him to! We practised the "rising trot" again and I think I did it perfectly.

After we finished riding I put Mickey back in his stable, gave him a pat and carried his saddle, which is heavy, to the Tack room.
When I got back to the yard I was put in to a team of 4. Three were "Summer School" children around my age. We were in a competition!
We had to race against other teams to assemble the ropes and reigns. Next we had to name three different parts of Tack and then we had to name three parts of the Saddle, three parts of the Grooming Kit and three parts of the Pony. Lastly, we had to lead Cindy to the Training School, where we retrieved our prize ; a box of Quality Street chocolates!

Sunday 2 August 2015

Baston in the Blitz

Today, me, mom and dad went to an awesome fair called "Baston in the Blitz"!
Baston is a village in Bourne and the Blitz happened during WW2 when Hitler bombed London.

There was so much to see and do! I'm surprised we had time to see it all!

The first thing we saw was the German medic tent. it looked so dirty and scary, I certainly didn't want to be in there!

While we were walking around I asked mother if dogs were used in the war and she didn't know. A few minutes later, we came across a tent with a tiny terrier! She was called Dolly and she was a Russian dog. In the war, she was sent to enemy camps with two sacks full of gunpowder and a little switch on her back. She was sent to enemy camps to run under tanks. When she went under the tanks, the little switch on her back gets pushed, setting off the gunpowder. Poor little thing! It's so sad.

Also in Russia, children as young as 6 were sent out to fight along with women as there weren't enough men. Children that were around my age were snipers. The idea of being  sniper is actually kind of exciting to me!

Dolly was so adorable! She liked to bark a lot though.

Sitting with Dolly!

Quite later on, I saw a coal miner! He looked so cool, I thought I'd get a picture with him! He gave me an iron (well, I think it was iron) oil lamp to hold! It was really heavy!

Coal Miner!

We also saw a German tent with an MG42 machine gun! It is the most powerful machine gun ever! I was also given some ammo to hang around my neck and a hat! The ammo was really, really heavy! It can fire 1200 rounds per minute, twice as many as the British machine guns!
Me sitting at the MG42!

I also got to hold the Russian sniper! It was really heavy. Everything in the war was really heavy! Remember, 8 year old kids were holding and carrying around these!

Russian Sniper!

Saturday 1 August 2015

Treats all round!

Since the guinea pigs have been eating so much parsley, I decided to grow some of my own! A while ago, mom bought a lovely planter in the shape of a giant cup!

Planting the parsley!

The pot of parsley! It was very heavy!

It looks very decorative

I also thought that it was time dad had a treat! I decided to make some chocolate and orange cupcakes with mom! Delicious!

Adding the chocolate icing!

Dad's in for a treat!

Art Week Day 6

For the 6th and final day of Art Week, me and mom made some Modigliani Portraits! It was quite challenging, but much more fun and entertaining than the last project! I made one of mom, and mom made one of her mom!

Modigliani was an Italian painter and sculptor who worked mainly in France. He was known for portraits in a modern style characterised by elongation of the faces and figures.

Me working on my art.
