Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Monday 7 October 2013

TeddyBear Olympics!

I went to the Teddy Bear Olympics awhile ago! This was just like the real thing! There was High Jump, Long Jump, Discus, Fancy Dress and at the end there was an amazing Dance Competition! I entered the youngest Bolt to compete and he had his mate and his brother as an audience. All of the other toys (hundreds of them, most of them were Astra's) cheered all of the amazing, hard trained toys! The first competition Bolt won was the fancy dress! He went in a ballerina outfit - Bolt-The-Ballerina - and won second place! We had an award ceremony and gave Bolt his medal and took a few pictures. The athletic Bolt took home a second medal, Gold! He won this for dancing in his tutu. Not very athletic, I know, but he still enjoyed it! I just hope there will be more Olympics.

Fun Fact: "Olympic" is now copyright - meaning you cannot use it in titles any more!

At the end of the Olympics, we all sat down with our winners and had some photos taken. Bolt's in his party dress!

There's Bolt getting his amazing medal! Well, his dancing medal.


  1. I LOVE the way Bolt is in touch with his feminine side! lol

  2. I guess it isn't THAT manly... It is funny though! lol
