Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Happy Birthday Me!

The joys of being a teenager have finally come! On the 18th, I became a teenager. It didn't feel much different from being twelve, but it was exciting nonetheless!

The day before my birthday, I went up to Newcastle with dad to see my brothers and the rest of my family. I saw my grandad first and dad had a chat with him about boring football for a couple of hours until it was time to meet up with my brothers.
Me, dad and my two brothers (Ian and Stephen) met up in a Thai restaurant in the gigantic Metro Centre for a late lunch. Me and dad weren't really looking forward to the meal as we aren't massive fans of Thai food. We were pleasantly surprised when we tried our food and realised how tasty it actually was! I had beautifully grilled pork with sticky rice. I wasn't a fan of the sticky rice, but the pork was fantastic!
After our meal, we had a walk around all of the shops. For a week and a day before Christmas, the shops were surprisingly empty. It seems most people do their shopping online now.

We spent the rest of the day at Eileen's AKA Stephen and Ian's mom's house. We all chatted for an hour or so before me and dad had to leave to go back home. After the 3 hour journey back home, I was absolutely shattered!

I didn't have any time to rest the day after my expedition to Newcastle, though, as it was my birthday! I had a veryyy busy day opening presents and lying around enjoying them all!

 I got some brilliant smelling bath bombs, a miniature stationary set, a beautiful bracelet, some band and YouTuber merchandise, lots of chocolates and Pokémon Sun! I've always loved Pokémon games and Pokémon Sun is probably the best Pokemon game I've ever played. It's brilliant!

Cadbury's Flake Cake!

I wonder what teenage dramas I'll have to endure in the future? I'll keep you updated on them!

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