Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Monday 9 February 2015

Minecraft HomeSchooling!

As you all know, I'm home-educated and I love minecraft! Recently, I signed up to Minecraft Homeschooling, which is a month-long kind of tutor on History and other subjects. You pick a course and each week you get a new assignment to learn. You can read a bit about it and maybe watch a few videos and answer a quiz, then you build what you've been learning about! It's really cool, and you get a new assignment every Monday. Ralfie's just joined as well, and I'm giving her a tour of the server and teaching her how to navigate around all of the areas!

This week, I had to learn about the history of money!

In 1900 BC, people first started trading. Farmers traded things like cows, sheep and wheat. But there was a problem with trading, nothing had a proper value. Another problem with this, was that some things like food, would go rotten. However, in China, people started using Cowrie shells as money. No one in the West knew about this, because there was no Social media, or anyway of communicating.
All of the other places in the world decided to stop using things like apples or jewellery in trading, as some foods go bad and jewellery brakes very easily. Instead they used gold, as gold was very strong and very valuable. But gold was too heavy to carry around everywhere, so people started pressing gold into small, round flat pieces. In 200 AD, coins became much more popular. Each coin was weighed and stamped so everybody knew  how much they were worth. In the 1950's, credit cards were invented. In recent years, there's hardly any need to carry coins and paper notes around anymore, as almost everything is done online. Most of the money in the world is now invisible.

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