Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Wrest Park, Swimming and Birds!

A few days ago, I went to Wrest Park to meet my friends! Me, Tilly, Lavinia, Taryn and Freya went swimming for ages at Flitwick Leisure Centre. The pool wasn't nearly as good as the one in Bedford, but I don't mind swimming there. After swimming, we went to Wrest Park and chilled on the swings and  the giant play house. I had such a fun time, but playing's very tiring so I was exhausted afterwards! The swings are so difficult to climb onto. First of all, there is NO bark underneath them so I can't push myself up. And the swings are too high anyway. Finally, I managed to get up to the swings my way; I pushed my back up first and crawled about the swings until I facing the right way. Finally!!

Me and my friends

My mom and dad had a rude awakening yesterday, birds chirping right outside their window! Some new birds came all the way from Africa: House Martins! All of the House Martins are swooping up mud from the building site opposite our house and are making little nests in the corner of the windows, where they are sheltered! All they do is chirp to each other and screech when some of the House Martins try to steal nests that aren't theirs! I really love these birds, because there's a cute bird that is building a nest so close to my mom and dad's bedroom window! I get to watch them all the time. They have blue heads and blue on their backs. They also have white underbellies and underwings and have the sweetest call ever! It's sort of like a purr, purr.
Unfortunately, these birds aren't cute when they're fighting and trying to steal each others' nests!! They make horrible screeching sounds and pull each other down to the ground when they get too close to another House Martin's nest!

Here's a picture of a House Martin, but I'll upload some pictures that I took of the House Martin that's made it's nest by my mom and dad's window! Mind, it's hard to hang out of a window and hold a phone up to take a picture!

Watching the House Martins from mam and dad's
bedroom window!

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