Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Wednesday 25 June 2014

House Martins, Dinosaurs and Festivals!

Sorry I haven't done my blog in a while, I've been super busy with festivals, birds and hatching dinosaurs! 

Last Sunday, I went to the Peterborough Heritage Festival! There was loads there! Vikings, Musketeers, Pikemen, shows and a Falcon who wouldn't come down from a tree! There was a man doing a Falcon display in the open air, which I thought would be a bit dangerous because it was in the middle of the city centre, full of people and the falcons could fly away. One of the falcons was fine and just came down to the man, but the other one was nervous and flew high up in the tree! I never saw it come down, so it could still be here now!
There was loads of re-enactments of wars with Pikemen and Musketeers, and I got to join them! I was an apprentice Pikeman and I had my own miniature pike!
Me with my Pike!

The House Martins' work has paid off, they've finally finished their nest! The nest is a sphere like shape with a tiny whole at the top for the birds to fit in! I can't wait until the chicks hatch, but at the same time I don't want them to hatch because they'll be very noisy!

The last time I went to Milton Keynes, I got a cool dinosaur egg that you can hatch yourself! All you have to do is put the egg in water and after 3-4 days it'll hatch!  My dinosaur is really cool, and I'll upload a picture of it soon!

Here's a list of pictures I got! This includes birds, giant dinosaurs, baby dinosaurs and a lot of excitement!
This is the House Martin  building it's nest!

Here's the House Martin when it finished its nest!
A while ago, I got a toy dinosaur egg from Clinton's and this is what it looks like: 

Dinosaur Egg before it hatched!

Here's the dinosaur when it's beginning to hatch!
Me standing next to a dinosaur at the Heritage Festival

A dinosaur from the Heritage Festival

That's me standing next to a Kestral at the Herritage Festival. I was a bit afraid!

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