Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Sunday 29 June 2014

All About Dogs Show!

Today, I went to the All About Dogs Show! I had been to the All About Dogs Show before and last time was better because it was sunny last time, but today it was pouring with rain! I still had a good time though. I saw loads of dogs, K-9 shows and Dipping/Dunking/whatever it is -Dogs! There was a group of huskies that were howling like mad! But the best dog was a little German Shepherd pup that was so gentle and loving! I wanted it!

There were also 2 Chinese Crested dogs that mom and dad thought were weird, but I thought they were really cute! They had coats on, because they were hairless.

I can't wait until the next All About Dogs Show, but hopefully it'll be sunny next time!

These are what Chinese Crested Dogs look like!

Theatre Show!

Saturday was my Wildcats Live Theatre Show! I was so nervous and excited at the same time! I was there for 8 hours rehearsing and performing in front of 400+ people!! When I first arrived at the Theatre called Cresset, I rehearsed all of my songs, then when all of the kids performed them, then we did the dress rehearsal! We also had snacks and drinks in between.
Then the real stress began! All of the kids (there were loads of them!) had to quickly slip their outfits on then run down the stairs, through a corridor, down some more stairs, ran through another corridor then up on to the stage! And we did that loads of times! No wonder I was shattered  and my legs were killing afterwards!
I sung 4 songs and did 2 dances in total, but I did a lot of rehearsing!

There were loads of kids, about 10+ different place groups who had 3 different age groups in each one!

Either way, I had a great time, and after a luxurious foot bath my feet stopped aching.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

House Martins, Dinosaurs and Festivals!

Sorry I haven't done my blog in a while, I've been super busy with festivals, birds and hatching dinosaurs! 

Last Sunday, I went to the Peterborough Heritage Festival! There was loads there! Vikings, Musketeers, Pikemen, shows and a Falcon who wouldn't come down from a tree! There was a man doing a Falcon display in the open air, which I thought would be a bit dangerous because it was in the middle of the city centre, full of people and the falcons could fly away. One of the falcons was fine and just came down to the man, but the other one was nervous and flew high up in the tree! I never saw it come down, so it could still be here now!
There was loads of re-enactments of wars with Pikemen and Musketeers, and I got to join them! I was an apprentice Pikeman and I had my own miniature pike!
Me with my Pike!

The House Martins' work has paid off, they've finally finished their nest! The nest is a sphere like shape with a tiny whole at the top for the birds to fit in! I can't wait until the chicks hatch, but at the same time I don't want them to hatch because they'll be very noisy!

The last time I went to Milton Keynes, I got a cool dinosaur egg that you can hatch yourself! All you have to do is put the egg in water and after 3-4 days it'll hatch!  My dinosaur is really cool, and I'll upload a picture of it soon!

Here's a list of pictures I got! This includes birds, giant dinosaurs, baby dinosaurs and a lot of excitement!
This is the House Martin  building it's nest!

Here's the House Martin when it finished its nest!
A while ago, I got a toy dinosaur egg from Clinton's and this is what it looks like: 

Dinosaur Egg before it hatched!

Here's the dinosaur when it's beginning to hatch!
Me standing next to a dinosaur at the Heritage Festival

A dinosaur from the Heritage Festival

That's me standing next to a Kestral at the Herritage Festival. I was a bit afraid!

Monday 16 June 2014

Book List!

Sorry I haven't done a lot of book reviews lately, I've been so busy reading, looking after my hamster and my dog, going to see my friends, swimming and much more! Here's a list of all of the books I need to review, or atleast all of them that I can remember! I've copied the backs of the books into the list, 'cause I can't be bothered to write my own review. I'm getting so lazy! I have got a lot of stuff to do, though, so there isn't time to write my own review!

1, Why The Wales Came: Gracie and Daniel have been warned to stay away from the mad Birdman, but the message in the sand tells them that the Birdman isn't what he seems.
Then they get lost in the fog and stranded on Samson Island - should they believe the Birdman's story that island is cursed?

2, War Horse: 'I saw the grey soldiers ahead of us raise their rifles and heard the death rattle of a machine gun...' A powerful story of the truest of friendships in the worst of wards from the award-wining former Children's Laureate Michael Morpurgo.

3, Mr Nobody's Eyes: Harry heard the key turn in the lock. Head  had already made up his mind to run.
Harry is in trouble at school, and he doesn't like his stepfather or the new baby. Then he befriends Ocky, a chimpanzee from the circus. Ocky's owner won't mind if Harry borrows her for a bit, will he? But then Harry's stepfather and the police find out. Harry and the chimp are soon on the run!

4, King Of The Cloud Forests: Wen Japan invades China, Ashley and Uncle Sung are forced to flee. It is a perilous journey across the Himalayas, and they struggle to survive.
Then Ashley is captured.
Who are these strange creatures who  revere him as their king?

5, Long Way Home: 'Those calves will drown... We musts get them out and I can't do it by myself.'
George doesn't want to spend his summer with another foster family, and Tom is angry that George is coming to stay. But then a disaster strikes and Tom realises that George is like a brother. Has George finally found a place to call home?

6, Kensuke's Kingdom: I heard the wind above me in the sails. I remember thinking, this is silly, you haven't got your safety harness on, you haven't got your lifejacket on. You shouldn't be doing this... I was in the cold sea before I could open my mouth to scream.
Washed up on an  island in the Pacific, Michael struggles to survive on his own. With no food and no water, he curls up to die. When he wakes, here is a plate beside him of fish, of fruit, and a bowl of fresh water. He is not alone...

That's all of the books that I think I need to review. I'm gonna' be super busy reviewing these!

Sunday 15 June 2014

How To Train Your Dragon 2!

Today, I went to the cinema with my dad to see How To Train Your Dragon 2! HTTYD 2 came out early on Fathers Day, so I got to see it early! This is the BEST MOVIE EVER! It's better than the first one! That means it's ultra epic! The storyline is so awesome, Hiccup meets his mother who's a dragon tamer and they have to fight the badguy (I can't remember his name...) with their dragons! I want to go back to the cinema and see the movie again it's so good!! I can't wait until the DVD comes out then I can watch it whenever I want to! HTTYD 1 was a really good movie, I didn't think that DreamWorks could make a number 2!
Now, I just have to wait until How To Train Your Dragon 3 comes out! Can't wait for that!

Oh, and I made a Father's Day card at Brownies and a key-chain for dad!

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Wrest Park, Swimming and Birds!

A few days ago, I went to Wrest Park to meet my friends! Me, Tilly, Lavinia, Taryn and Freya went swimming for ages at Flitwick Leisure Centre. The pool wasn't nearly as good as the one in Bedford, but I don't mind swimming there. After swimming, we went to Wrest Park and chilled on the swings and  the giant play house. I had such a fun time, but playing's very tiring so I was exhausted afterwards! The swings are so difficult to climb onto. First of all, there is NO bark underneath them so I can't push myself up. And the swings are too high anyway. Finally, I managed to get up to the swings my way; I pushed my back up first and crawled about the swings until I facing the right way. Finally!!

Me and my friends

My mom and dad had a rude awakening yesterday, birds chirping right outside their window! Some new birds came all the way from Africa: House Martins! All of the House Martins are swooping up mud from the building site opposite our house and are making little nests in the corner of the windows, where they are sheltered! All they do is chirp to each other and screech when some of the House Martins try to steal nests that aren't theirs! I really love these birds, because there's a cute bird that is building a nest so close to my mom and dad's bedroom window! I get to watch them all the time. They have blue heads and blue on their backs. They also have white underbellies and underwings and have the sweetest call ever! It's sort of like a purr, purr.
Unfortunately, these birds aren't cute when they're fighting and trying to steal each others' nests!! They make horrible screeching sounds and pull each other down to the ground when they get too close to another House Martin's nest!

Here's a picture of a House Martin, but I'll upload some pictures that I took of the House Martin that's made it's nest by my mom and dad's window! Mind, it's hard to hang out of a window and hold a phone up to take a picture!

Watching the House Martins from mam and dad's
bedroom window!