Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Friday 28 February 2014

Piano Exam!

2 posts in 1 day! On Wednesday I did my Piano Grade 1 Exam! I wasn't nervous at all for this one. I lied, I was nervous. I wasn't as nervous as last time, but still nervous. I had started shaking, then the examiner came in. Mom told me that he looked like Santa Claus without the beard. That made me laugh, so I wasn't as nervous anymore!
I had to play my 3 pieces, broken chords, sight-reading, aural tests (singing back notes, whether the change was at the beginning or end etc.), and scales. I also have a piano concert tomorrow so, wish me luck!
I'll have to wait a few weeks to get my results. (Thankfully not 6 weeks.)

You didn't wish me enough luck, I didn't make it to the Piano Concert.
Ehh, who cares? I went to Lincoln instead and got awesome soap!!
Lincoln Cathedral and dad on the left!
Me and dad at the "Olypmpic Gold" post-box!

Alone on a Wide Wide Sea

I recently finished the book called Alone on a Wide Wide Sea. It was by Michael Morpurgo.
The book was in 2 parts. Part 1 was about the orphan boy Arthur and his upsetting life, and the second part was about his daughter Allie and her great adventure.

Arthur was an orphan and he was separated from his sister Kitty in England. He was shipped all the way to Australia without her. The only memory that Arthur had of his sister was the lucky key that she gave him. Arthur couldn't remember what the key was for, he couldn't even be sure if Kitty was real, or just a figure of his imagination.
On the ship taking him to Australia, Arthur made one friend, Marty, who guided him through most of his life. Marty protected him from the bullies and kept both of their spirits up.
Marty, Arthur and many, many other children were taken to the orphanage in Australia, Coopers Station. It was a horrific and cruel orphanage. The orphanage turned out to be a nightmare; the children worked for their food every day, and if they were caught doing anything wrong, they'd be strapped! One boy ran away and he didn't come back. It wasn't just the kids of Coopers Station that were abused, the owner of the children, Piggy Bacon also abused his wife. Mrs Bacon, or Ida, helped Marty and Arthur escape from the horrible Coopers Station.
Thankfully, the boys found a kind woman, Aunty Megs. Aunty Megs took the boys in, like she took all of her little orphans in. The only thing different was, her 'little orphans' were animals! Joeys and  Wallabies were just a few of the intriguing animals adopted by Aunty Megs. She released all of her baby animals when they grew up, even the boys!
Arthur and Marty drifted apart as the years went on. Arthur started ruining his life and eventually went into a mental home. The only thing that stopped him from killing himself was the loving nurse Zita. Zita and Arthur quickly fell in love, mostly because they both had a love for Boat Making. Zita's whole family loved Boat Making, and so does Arthur. Zita and Arthur got married and had a daughter called Allie. She loved boats too.

When Allie turned 18, her mother let her set sail to England to find Arthur's sister Kitty. By now, Arthur had died, but he had left Allie his lucky key that Kitty had given him. When Allie was on the deck of the boat, she saw a magnificent, snowy white Albatross. Her dad loved albatrosses, and Allie believed that it was her father's spirit. One depressing day, her albatross died. The terrible thing was, Allie had killed it accidently. The albatross got stuck in a fishing net. Allie never sent emails to her mother after her albatross died because she was too depressed. However, a clever sea turtle came one day and lifted Allie's spirits. The sea turtle never came back after that one visit, but Allie remained happy. The sea turtle had done its job. Allie started sending emails to her mother again, and she wanted began to search Kitty again.
After a long voyage, Allie finally found Kitty, and she found out what the lucky key her father had given her was for.

I really loved this story. It was 133 pages long, I like long stories. I would recommend it to kids over the age of 9. The story was really depressing at parts, but it was uplifting as well.
In my opinion, it was Michael Morpurgo's best book since Shadow.

Sunday 23 February 2014

'Brake a Leg!'

I broke a leg today! Not really, because if I did I probably wouldn't be typing this. My Musical Theatre exam was today; I was so nervous. I had butterflies in my stomach when I was walking through the door. But when I started singing, I was perfect! I hit all of the notes, done all the actions, had really deep emotions, EVERYTHING! I really think I'll pass, if I don't I'll be so unhappy. It'll take 6 weeks to get the results. 6 weeks!!! I can't wait that long!

Next up: Piano Exam! That's on Wednesday. I'm not so nervous for this one, I'm a bit more calm to be performing in front of complete strangers. I wish I was a mind reader to see what they're thinking about me... I wonder what they are thinking about me.

Saturday 22 February 2014

I'm one busy girl!

Not only have I got a Theatre (Lamda) exam tomorrow, but I have a Piano exam next Wednesday! I have a few piano concerts after that as well.
I've discovered a new delicious food: jam tarts! I bake them myself, no help at all! I bake blackcurrant, lemon curd and strawberry flavoured jam tarts. My dad loves them even more than his coconut cakes!

Strawberry and Coconut Tart.

Blackcurrant and Strawberry Tarts. Mmmm!

I'm also busy with a Pokémon X/Y (Generation VI) Pokedex book! A pokedex is the book of all the Pokémon!

That's not all;last week when I was meeting my friends in Bedford I got left out.
Taryn, Tilly and Elise told me, William, Freya and Lavinia, to stay away while they talked about sleepovers. Lavinia was crying, so me and Freya hugged her. If you don't know who Freya is, she's Taryn's older sister. Eventually, I just sat alone and Tilly came up to me to see if I was OK. I guess you could say we were all OK after that.
Despite that, I still want to go back to see all my friends again.

A few days ago, my Lincoln friend Lucy came over for a play date! We had a lot of fun with the houses and toys. It's always sad when friends leave, always boring too. I have to clean up the room as well. Lucy always says she'll help me, she never does though.

I've been reading a Michael Morpurgo book, Alone on the Wide Wide Sea. It's an excellent book, I'll do a proper review on it when I'm finished! It's about an orphan boy called Arthur. Arthur was separated from his sister, Kitty, in England, when he was shipped away to Australia. He met a friend on that boat, Marty. Marty protected him when the bullies tried to make Arthur's experience on the sea even worse. When the boys arrived in Australia, they were whipped and made to work for their food. Eventually a boy starved to death and another ran away and came back dead!! Eventually Marty and Arthur made it out; their lives only got worse.

I'll make a bigger review when I'm finished the book. It's a very long book so... give me time.
Buy it here!

Monday 10 February 2014

Guinea Pigs Online: Christmas Quest!

I recently finished the amazing book called Guinea Pigs Online: Christmas Quest! (It's the 3rd book in the Guinea Pigs Online book series!) It was by Jennifer Gray and Amanda Swift and illustrated by Sarah Horne.
The guinea pigs are excited for Christmas! They're so happy to spend the holiday with their owners! But, they all take a trip to Peru to search for the treasure; but the Pigs find themselves searching for the stolen Christmas Coco Bean to save the Peruvian Guinea Pigs from the Condor! If Coco and Fuzzy don't recover the Christmas Coco Bean in time for Christmas Dinner, the Condor will eat all of the Peruvian Guinea Pigs!
The book is 169 pages long, and it has bonus activities in the back including Crosswords, Word Searches and recipes for some delicious food! I'd rate the book a 10/10 - best book so far! Easy to read and long chapters!

Friday 7 February 2014

National Space Centre!


We went to the space centre in Leicestershire. There was so much to see!
 I liked the film show best and going in the lift to the top of a very very tall rocket!

This is me holding up the earth!