Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Sunday 27 October 2013

A bit more art!

I've been feeling really arty lately...so I decided to make these amazing things as well! If you haven't, go and check out my "Feeling Arty!" post!

This is my amazing fox picture that I made! I didn't use tracing paper at all!

And this is my sequen art picture! It's a husky.

Friday 25 October 2013

A Day Out With WildCats!

A few weeks ago, I joined a Theatre Group called "WildCats" in Bourne. It's on every Tuesday at 6:00 pm (meaning mam misses her TV shows). Because it was half-term, there was no WildCats on this week, but WildCats did make an all-day event! I went to perform a dance and a song for the Addam's Family! I made Wanted posters for the Addam's Family characters, tried on some Addam's Family Clothes, practised singing a song for the Addam's Family and finally, preformed a dance for most of the parents. Unfortunately, mam and some other kid's mother wasn't there because the performance started early and we weren't told! But still, the WildCat's teacher recorded the performance and they're going to put it on FaceBook for all of the parents to see.
Because the WildCats event was on all day, I needed to bring a packed lunch, a snack and lots of bottles of juice. I had 2 sausage rolls and 2 cupcakes for lunch and a box of grapes for a snack. I had 3 bottles of Orange Juice which I tried to drink slowly so they'd last.

Bug Event!

A while ago, I went to Luton (Near Bedford) to learn about bugs at the Discovery Centre and Museum. The models of the insects were amazing; they were bigger than me!! In a way, it was creepy because it was really dark with the giant bugs and there were scary "buzzing" noises.
There was also a park by the museum and me and my friends, Tilly and Lavinia, Taryn and Ellie were there. After (and before!) we went to see the bugs, we all played in the park together on the climbing frame.
The museum also had displayed really old carriages that would be pulled by horses! Some of the carriages we were allowed to go in as well! I couldn't have asked for a better day out with my friends.

Fun Fact: female Praying Mantises eat the male when they're mating. Eww...

There was a fun quiz to do after you had finished learning about all of the bugs! I got 80%!
After that tireing quiz, my friends and I just relaxed and chatted!

Monday 7 October 2013

Guinea Pigs Online: Furry Towers!

2 Books in 2 days..that's a New-World-Record! The first book I finished was Guinea Pigs Online 2: Furry Towers! Before you read this book/review, I would consider reading my review on the first Guinea Pigs Online book.

The Bliss's decide to go on holiday but have no place to keep their beloved pet guinea pigs, Coco (Henrietta's guinea pig) and Fuzzy (Ben's guinea pig). When it was night-time and the Bliss's had went to bed, Fuzzy let himself out of the cage to go on the Internet. (Pet guinea pigs are very smart, Coco and Fuzzy are the smartest though!) Fuzzy found a web page that said: "COME TO FURRY TOWERS!" Coco and Fuzzy found out that Furry Towers was a 5 star guinea pig hotel! They decided to leave the page open for Ben and Henrietta to see. The humans decided to take their guinea pigs there!
Unfortunately, when the guinea pigs got there, it was a dump! No spa like it said on the web page, no great big perfectly trimmed garden! It was an old building that was practically falling to pieces! The two pigs are locked in a cage and their owners aren't going to be back for an entire week! But with the help of an old friend, Eduardo, and help from some new friends, they all manage to escape back home okay.

This book was by Jennifer Gray and Amanda Swift. The book was 176 pages long. I'd rate it a 4 1/2 Stars because it wasn't long enough. I'd recommend the book to slightly older kids because it is so long and some things are quite hard to understand.
By the book >>>HERE!<<<.

TeddyBear Olympics!

I went to the Teddy Bear Olympics awhile ago! This was just like the real thing! There was High Jump, Long Jump, Discus, Fancy Dress and at the end there was an amazing Dance Competition! I entered the youngest Bolt to compete and he had his mate and his brother as an audience. All of the other toys (hundreds of them, most of them were Astra's) cheered all of the amazing, hard trained toys! The first competition Bolt won was the fancy dress! He went in a ballerina outfit - Bolt-The-Ballerina - and won second place! We had an award ceremony and gave Bolt his medal and took a few pictures. The athletic Bolt took home a second medal, Gold! He won this for dancing in his tutu. Not very athletic, I know, but he still enjoyed it! I just hope there will be more Olympics.

Fun Fact: "Olympic" is now copyright - meaning you cannot use it in titles any more!

At the end of the Olympics, we all sat down with our winners and had some photos taken. Bolt's in his party dress!

There's Bolt getting his amazing medal! Well, his dancing medal.