Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Thursday 7 February 2013

I am a Badger!

I have made my promise at Brownies! I felt very nervous and worried I would do something wrong, but in the end it was so exciting! We had to re-enact the Brownie Story and it was amazing!

The Brownie Story!

Someone spent 8 hours painting the Brownie Story on a big, white sheet! It was lovely! We walked on the sheet to find the Owl who led us to the pond to find the Brownie, but the Brownie was me all along!! I said my promise and law and signed my name on the sheet with the other Brownies.
There are six people so far in Brownies and we were split into threes. One of the 3s were Squirrels and the other 3 (that is the one I'm in) are Badgers! I am happy to be a badger.

Making my Promise

All the parents came to see us but my dad couldn't make it because he was at work. Mam took lots of photos though.

Afterwards we had juice and muffins. I had two muffins!

I am proud to be the first Brownie in Great Denham!

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