Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Chinese New Year!

Kung Hei Fat Choy! (It mean Happy New Year in Chinese!)

Last week was the start of Chinese New Year!

The Chinese calendar follows a twelve year pattern with each year named after an animal. The story is that Buddha invited all of the animals to join him for a New Year celebration, but only twelve animals showed up. To reward the animals, Buddha named a year after each one of them in the order that they arrived.
Depending on the year you were born, you are believed to have a character traits of that year's animal.
2013 is the Year of the Snake! If you are born in the Year of the Snake, these are your characteristics: Acute, Aware, Cunning, Proud, Vain, Vicious. I was born on the Year of the Sheep. Here are my characteristics: Smart, Artistic, Kind, Happy, Reserved, Insecure, Dependent. (I like the first four best!).

This is waht I made for Chinese New Year!

Max the Missing Puppy

I have competed the book Max the Missing Puppy by Holly Webb. There are three main characters, Molly, Max the puppy and Jasmine (who looks like me in the illustrations!).

Molly's parents let her adopt a cute Old English Sheepdog puppy called Max! But when Max runs away trying to find Molly who is at school, he gets lost. Luckily, a nice girl called Jasmine  finds him and looks after him. Eventually, Molly is reunited with Max! Also, Jasmine gets a puppy; Max's brother who is just like him!

I would give this book a five star rating!
Holly Webb has written lots of other books about cute kittens and playful puppies! I can't wait to get to the library to read the next one!
Buy it here!

UPDATE! Just been on Amazon, you can buy 10 books by Holly Webb for only £10.00! Buy the 10 books here!

Thursday 7 February 2013

I am a Badger!

I have made my promise at Brownies! I felt very nervous and worried I would do something wrong, but in the end it was so exciting! We had to re-enact the Brownie Story and it was amazing!

The Brownie Story!

Someone spent 8 hours painting the Brownie Story on a big, white sheet! It was lovely! We walked on the sheet to find the Owl who led us to the pond to find the Brownie, but the Brownie was me all along!! I said my promise and law and signed my name on the sheet with the other Brownies.
There are six people so far in Brownies and we were split into threes. One of the 3s were Squirrels and the other 3 (that is the one I'm in) are Badgers! I am happy to be a badger.

Making my Promise

All the parents came to see us but my dad couldn't make it because he was at work. Mam took lots of photos though.

Afterwards we had juice and muffins. I had two muffins!

I am proud to be the first Brownie in Great Denham!

Sunday 3 February 2013

Snow and Science!!

There has been a lot of snow this year so far. I have had fun playing in it and had some great snow-ball fights with Dad!

Take that, Dad!!

My beautiful snowman.
Maisie and the snowman.

The other day, I went to s science show in Milton Keynes and it was great; it was filled with bangs, fizzes, pops and something unexpected! I think the best experiment was with marshmallows. They put the marshmallow in a container, and sucked all of the air out! The marshmallow went so big! I wanted to eat it. The scientists blew air back into the container and the marshmallow shrank! I wanted to eat it more than the big one!
They made this massive bang happen that, even when I blocked my ears with my hands, it still hurt my ears!
It was amazing all of the stuff they did and it was so good! The scientists that did the experiments were proper scientists, which I thought was amazing.

I have been to a new drama class and it was great! We played am amazing game; I had to stare into another person's eyes but I couldn't smile or talk or giggle. It was sooooo hard! For homework I have to read a book about a lion, a witch amd a wardrobe because we will be doing this in our play soon.

I also have to practice my Brownie Promise as I will be saying it for real tomorrow at Brownies. I am sad because my dad is away and he won't be there, but my Mam will be there. I can't wait to get my first badge. Yipeeeee!!!


My friends, Tilly and Lavinia had a play-date at my home with me! It was excellent and so fun. First, I showed them about Minecraft, next we made our little villages and homes and Tilly made a fair-ground. Finally, we got something to eat, some cheesy, delicious, succulent pizza! It was very yummy! We continued playing after lunch until the girls' mother came upstairs and said it was time to go. It was the best play-date ever! But the ending is never fun.