Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Good news and really bad news.

Yesterday, my dad spilt juice all over my laptop and I think it's broke! So my dad has to buy me a new laptop and the CD that was in the laptop (The Sims 2 Seasons). My mam was NOT happy with dad!

I also have some good news! Team GB has got a silver medal for horse riding and a bronze medal for the men's gymnastics!

Pushwagner Exhibition & Pizza!!

I go to activities with my home-education group. Mam likes it because they are "educational". I like them because they are FUN!!
I went to the gallery at Milton Keynes and saw an exhibition by an artist called Pushwagner. I made a picture of a face just like the faces in Pushwagners drawings.

Me, with my Pushwagner face from the
SOFT CITY exhibition.

Showing off our faces! 

We went to Pizza Express and made our own pizzas. I made a meat feast because I don't like vegetables. It was great fun and the pizza tasted delicious. Yummy!!

Sunday 29 July 2012

The Anglian Wolf Society

Today I went to a wolf sanctuary called Anglian Wolf Society. It was amazing. I truely loved it because wolves are one of my favourite animals. I have even made a lap-book all about wolves!
The sanctuary had four wolves, two males and 2 females. It was great to be able to see the wolves close up.

Male Alpha Wolf "Chezza"

There were also owls and bats to see, and the cutest African hedgehog!! They were amazing! The handlers were really friendly and told me all about the animals.
I bought a special treat . . . a furry wolf cub!

Eagle Owl!

Saturday 28 July 2012

Guinea Pigs

Have I mentioned I LOVE Guinea pigs?
Well, I do!
I have learned lots about Guinea pigs:
how to care for them, what to feed them, they have 20 teeth and 14 nails (4 on each front paw and three at each back paw). I know all about the best cages to buy.
How do I know all this? All thanks to this great website by a true Guinea pig lover:


You might be wondering why I don't have a Guinea pig of my own. . . my parents won't let me have any right now, but when I am 16, I am going to have lots!

The Olympic Games

Today is the start of the Olympics! I held the torch a couple of days ago and I felt like I carried it here!
There will be a lot of sport on the TV, so my dad is very happy... good thing I have got 2 TVs!

The Olympic Torch!

Friday 27 July 2012

My first Blog

Hi, my name is Katie, I am 8 years old and this is my first go at blogging!
A little bit about my self: I love animals, I am very friendly and I am Home Educated (which means I don't go to school!Whoopie!)
I live with my mam and dad and my pet dog Maisie.

Me and Maisie