Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Monday 1 September 2014

Busy Bees! Again!

A few days ago, I went to my big sister Jaimie's house! There was something different though.. there was a new person in the house! Baby Joey! Joey was born only a few weeks ago and all he does is sleep! He's so cute! I held Joey, even though I was terrified of dropping him! I couldn't hold  him for long though, because he was so heavy in my arms! Charlie was still really cute, but he was very cheeky! Leading me around the house and running around like crazy! He looks so grown up now, and he has loads of hair!

A bit after I went to see Jaimie, I met up with Tilly and Lavinia for Pizza Hut! It was so tasty! We had an all you can eat! I had a cheese pizza, fruit, garlic bread and best of all, all-you-can-eat-icecream!! The icecream machine was a pain. You pulled a trigger and icecream came out, but when you stopped pulling the trigger the icecream still came out! You had to plan it at just the right time to stop it! You could also choose some sauce and sweets. As usual, I didn't go over-the-top, and only had a bit.

After Pizza hut, Tilly came over for a sleepover! She stayed for 2 days and we had so much fun playing Sims, Loom bands, taking Maisie for a walk and eating delicious meals from the amazing chef, mom! We had such a great time!

Me and mom drove us to Tilly's birthday party at Wrest Park after the sleepover! It was awesome! We played loads of cool minigames like Egg and Spoon race, sack race, balance-a-bean-sack-on-your-head-game and loads more!
The cake was gigantic! It was so tasty and looked amazing! It had flowers made out of icing all over it! Unfortunately, Kat (Tilly's mom), put her elbow in the cake accidently, so there was a bit of a smudge in it! The cake's icing tasty so creamy and light! Mmm, delicious!

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