Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Monday 25 August 2014


Sorry that I haven't done a blog post in ages, I've been really caught up in my new Pokémon game, Pokémon Black! Pokémon Black is really cool, if you ask me it's better than the newer games X and Y. Sure, the graphics aren't dazzling, but they're actually quite good! The goal of Pokémon Black is the same as all of the other games, to train up a team of Pokémon and defeat the Pokémon League Champion.

Like all of the other Pokémon games, Black has a partner. Black came out with White and the only difference is that you encounter slightly different Pokémon and you get a different main legendary. In Black, you get Reshiram (my favourite!) and in White you get Zekrom!

All Pokémon are different, and not just by appearance. Not all Pokémon learn the same moves, and the moves that Pokémon do learn depends on their type. There is 18 types. Normal, Fire, Grass, Water, Psychic, Dark, Fighting, Fairy, Poison, Ghost, Flying, Electric, Ground, Rock, Steel, Dragon, Bug and Ice. Most Pokémon are double-type Pokémon, meaning they have two types. But, some types don't go together. Fire and Water as an example. Water is super-effective against Fire, and since Water and Fire both have completely different weaknesses,  that type combination would have no weaknesses. That isn't normal in the Pokémon world, so a type like that doesn't exist. If you want to go more in detail about Type Effectiveness, Google "Pokémon Type Chart".

Another way to make Pokémon even more unique, there's quite a lot of different Abilities and Hidden Abilities. Abilities, as the name suggest,  is separate powers that the Pokémon can have in battle. At the start of a battle, the Ability of your and your foe's Pokémon are said, so, if you're a pro Pokémon-er like me, you can counter them easily. Hidden Abilities are only said if you or your opponent's Hidden Ability alters the battle. A Hidden Ability called "Destiny Knot" I think it's called, means that  if the Pokémon with the Hidden Ability Destiny Knot faints (dies), there's a chance that the Pokémon that killed it will also faint.

If you think that all that's in the Pokémon games is battling, you thought wrong. You can Trade, Breed, go through the Storyline, ride the Farris Wheel (if you're in Black/White/Black2/White2), get Items, Evolve your Pokémon, train for IVs, breed for EVs, hatch eggs and so much more!

One of my favourite things to do in Pokémon is breed them. If you leave a female Pokémon and a male Pokémon of the same Egg type (I'll talk about that later) at the Pokémon daycare, the chances are you'll get an egg. To see if you'll get an egg or not, you can speak to the NPC (none player character) outside of the Daycare. He will either say "The two Pokémon don't get along very well", "The two Pokémon get along very well" or "The two Pokémon prefer to play with the other Pokémon at the daycare". If the man says "The two Pokémon don't get along very well", then Eggs aren't likely to be found. If he says "The two Pokémon get along very well", Eggs are likely to be found. And if he says "The two Pokémon prefer to play with the other Pokémon" then Eggs will not be found at all.
Once you've got an Egg, you have to carry it around with you for awhile before it hatches. All Pokémon Eggs hatch at different speeds, but they generally take awhile. To hatch the egg, all you need to do is move around in your game.

If you've ever wondered how many Pokémon games there are, there's loads! There's only 7 main games, and those are: Red & Green, Blue, Yellow, Gold & Silver, Crystal, Ruby & Sapphire, Fire Red & Leaf Green, Emerald, Diamond  & Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold & Soul Silver, Black & White, Black 2 & White 2, X & Y. And in November, there'll be 2 new Pokémon games! Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire! It's just under 100 days until the release, yet you can already pre-order them!

I think the next Pokémon Game I'll get will either be White 2 or something like Soul Silver. I think I'll go for White 2 because it has my favourite human character, N, in. N was manipulated by the evil Ghetsis into thinking that all Pokémon were abused. N told everyone to release their Pokémon because he didn't know that some Pokémon loved their trainers. In the end, N realises that some Pokémon love their Trainers, and he flees to a new part of the world on the Legendary Pokémon Zekrom (If you're in Black) or Reshiram (if you're in White).

Anyway, I really love Pokémon! If you ask me, it's the best game ever!

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Anglian Wolf Society! ...Again!

Can you see her?

On Sunday, I went to the Anglian Wolf Society for the 3rd time! This is the second time I've been to the Open day for to the Anglian Wolf Society, and I think it was better than the first time! Unfortunately, another wolf had passed away, so now they only have the two girls. Outside of the wolf area, they had new animals! Like a spikey stick insect, an adorable hedgehog, a squidgy snake and a rat that was the CUTEST THING EVER! First of all, I'll talk about the spikey stick insect!

When I first arrived at the Society, the first creature I spotted was a giant, red-brown spikey insect. I turned out it was a stick insect. You could pet it, and when I first saw it I was partially thinking about it, until the other carer said that it was the only animal to draw blood from him. The stick insect had really sharp pincers on it's back legs that it would dig into anyone if it was scared.

Second animal I saw was a hedgehog! It was so cute! You could pet it as well. It felt like a brush, not really spikey at all! Hedgehogs don't have very good eyesite, so when someone petted it near its face it curled up and stuck out all of its spikes.

Next, I saw the birds! There were some really beautiful birds of prey, like the Peregrine  which had a cap over its eyes to stop it from getting stressed. There was owls as well, lots of owls. There was a Tiny owl sitting in a little box, it was staring at me and it looked so afraid. I felt sorry for it because it couldn't escape.

After the birds, I spotted the snake. It was a Corn snake and I really wanted to touch it. I had touched a snake before, but I wanted to touch this one as well. Apparently, you could touch the snake, so I did! It felt so squidgy and soft, not at all like I remembered the last snake to feel like!

Then I saw it, the ADORABLE rat! It was being hugged by one of the helpers, who let me hold him! He kept trying to escape out of my hands but I knew what to do, so I kept putting my other hand infront of him where he was trying to escape, so he couldn't get out of my hands. I gave him back to look at some of the bats, but the bats were asleep so I went back to the rat! I picked him back up from the woman and held him a different way. I put him close to my chest and he just relaxed in my hands. When he did try to get away I just caught him again and put him back to my chest.

My favourite was the Rat!

Now, the wolves! As I said before, there was only 2 wolves this time. The first wolf we saw was just lying down in the shade because it was so hot! Eventually, she did come up to the bars to have a look, but something fell over so she ran away.
The next wolf just lay under a tree and didn't move much. She only looked around.

Either way, I had a great time! And my favourite animal was the rat!

Jordan's Mill

Awhile ago, I went to Jordan's Mill in Luton! Jordan's Mill is a big water mill that grinds loads of things like wheat and barely into flour and bread! The day before we went there (Tilly was still on a sleepover), Mom had a great idea that we could both make an Information booklet (ugh!). It turned out that making the booklet was actually really fun! Here's some of the history that I put in the booklet:
"The historic flour mill has been home to the Jordan family for over 150 years. Wiliam Herbert Jordan leased the mill, purchasing it in the 1890's. The mill is mentioned in the domesday book and the mill cost 47 shillings.
There was a fire in 1894 when the Jordans replaced the old mill stones with a modern, efficient roller system. Another fire in 1899 led to the vast improvement in technology put the Jordans on the map as one of the leading producers of flour in the region."
My Information Booklet

My cool model of the Mill!

I went on a big home-ed trip there with loads of other kids, some that I'd met before and some that I hadn't!
When I first got to the mill, I was set into a group (thankfully the group with Tilly and Lavinia and Taryn and Freya!). Then, the first tour guide took  us on a tour around the gardens! The gardens were so beautiful, and there was wheat, rye, barely and oats. There was also things like fruit trees, strawberry plants and loads of other vegetables! You could also eat the wheat, rye, barely and the oats. I tried everything! They were so tasty!
Looking around the gardens

After we looked around the gardens, we went to the inside of the mill where we saw how all of the wheat was ground down. The mill was water powered and we got to see the big water turbine and the water from the River Ivel that was nearby.
The turbines were very loud!

A Giant shaking sieve!

On the second floor, there was a massive map looking thing on the wall that showed you everything that was going on. And on the third floor, which we couldn't get to, there was a massive box shaking about, which was the giant sieve. It didn't look real, it was that odd looking!

Then, for the last tour, we went into another place in the mill where we all sat down on a giant table and chairs. We were given a big ball of dough to roll into a semi-sphere. Then we put another, smaller, ball of dough on the top and put a hole through the top. It was like a decapitated snowman! The woman took the dough balls and baked them while we went on a trail nearby to find loads of bugs and insects. After that, we went back for the bread. It was delicious!
Rolling the dough

After the tour, the kids went to the meadow nearby to have a picnic and play around. Me, Tilly, Lavinia, Freya and Taryn played Hide N Seek, because there was loads of bushes and trees to hide around in!

Overall, I had a great time! I'd really suggest going to Jordan's Mill for a tour!