Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Sunday 17 September 2017

Galas, Chocolate and Lots of Exercise

Every year, our village throws an event called Goulceby Gala and this year, we visited it for the first time.
Since Goulceby is a tiny village hidden away in the countryside, I wasn't expecting much. However, it was actually quite busy! There were people everywhere enjoying the live music and chatting to their neighbours. Since we only moved recently, it was a great opportunity to make some friends.
The owner of the ponies from my last post was there challenging people to different types of board games, so I decided to play an intense match of Connect4 with him. He took the game very seriously, thinking out every move before he put his chip into the board. He is a maths teacher and he's very competitive! Even though I tried my hardest, I couldn't beat him. Maybe I should practice for next year?
Dad took up the challenge!

I was better at "Hook a Duck!"

On Friday, I took a trip to a nearby chocolate shop for a Chocolate Making Workshop. There were lots of other home ed children there and I ended up making friends with a girl called Alyssa.
I made a delicious looking multicoloured chocolate house. I was going to save it and take some pictures of it, but I just couldn't resist! It was very tasty.

We had to wear hair-nets!

New Friends
I managed to get a photo of my chocolate house before it disappeared!

At the chocolate workshop, I heard that there was some casual home ed PE lessons going on that were followed by 'rookie lifeguard lessons' at a nearby leisure centre so I decided to check it out. The PE was a bit too mcuh for me, I felt like I was going to pass out! Alyssa was there as well so at least I wasn't suffering alone.
I did a lot better at the rookie lifeguard lessons - I've always been a really good swimmer.  We were taught how to do CPR, carry another person through the water while swimming and jump in without going completely underwater. I couldn't quite figure out how to jump in properly so I might need to practise a bit more!
Even though the PE was exhausting, I'll definitely be going back next week.

Saturday 16 September 2017

Cadwell Park!

I've never really been into car or motorbike racing but when I discovered that there was one of the UK's biggest racetracks just 5 minutes down the road, I just had to go and see what all the fuss was about.
On Saturday, mom, dad and I went to Cadwell Park to see some of the qualifying races. I'm not actually sure what they were qualifying for, but it was a  lot of fun to watch them!
The Side Cars had just started to race when we arrived so we sat down to watch them first. There's one person driving the car and there's one person  hanging on to the back without anything strapping them in. His job is to jump about from side to side to help steer the car around the corners. Mother was absolutely terrified he was going to fall off! I don't think I could have done that job.

Now that we know we have such an exciting place right at our doorstep, we might start going more often!