Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Guinea pig mcflurries

Today I went to Pets at Home to hold a guinea pig! He was very cute but I didn't get to hold him for long though. After that I went to The Centre MK and played in the sand pit for an hour!
Then my mam and I went to Mcdonalds. I had a Happy Meal and we had an excellent dessert, Galaxy caramel mcflurry. Yummy!

Sunday 19 August 2012

Guinea Pigs are OUT

I am writing this on my new laptop! I am so glad dad spilt juice on my old one!
I have changed my mind about the Guinea Pigs and decided to go with Chihuahuas instead!
Scientist believe that Chihuahuas wild ancestors are the Fenec Fox! I think it's true that Fenec Foxes are the Chihuahua's wild ancestors because they both have massive ears and adorable faces!
Chihuahuas are little dogs with big voices.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Legally Blonde

Yesterday I went to see Legally Blonde at the theatre in MK. I really loved it, it was excellent!
The seats were not very comfy and I didn't have a good view because there were heads in front of me.
The costumes were very colourful and very PINK and the best bit....there were 2 dogs in the show!

I would give the show 4 and a half (out of five) stars. I still prefer the cinema though!

Monday 6 August 2012

Friends, theme parks and music!

A couple of days ago my very best friends Matilda and Lavinia came and had a play-date! I loved it a lot! We raced in the garden with Maisie, played on the wii and had pizza for tea! I hope they can come for a sleep-over one day and we can all squash into a double bed!

Gulliver's Land!

Yesterday I went to a theme park called Gulliver's Land! It was excellent! There was so many rides to go on. I would advise you to go on the Log Flume last unless you have a spare pair of clothes! I also went on this really scary ride with my mam! It was a pirate ship which swung wildly back and forth! We were both scared and my legs felt so weak and almost numb!

Here we go!!

I'm soaking!
Today I went to guitar lesson at the Buszy center and met a new friend.
I am also going to be learnng the recorder! Mam says she needs some ear-plugs!