Just Me!

I am just a little kid on a big adventure! I have fun all day, reading and playing and visiting lovely places. I don't go to school (not ever!) so I have loads of time for lovely things!
Read about my adventures here....

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Tiny Ponies and Medieval Horses

Just around the corner from my house, there's a stables that has 3 huge horses and 2 tiny Shetland ponies. The owner of the farm, Emily, told me that I could come over whenever I wanted to groom the little ponies! Mom is scared of horses but she bravely entered the ponies' enclosure to groom them!

Emily has said that I can ride one of her horses as long as I ask her first. I'll definitely be going over there to see them soon!
There are also rare-breed sheep who are very good at jumping the electric fence, lots of chickens roaming free and 2 gorgeous spaniels. One of the spaniels is deaf so he needs looking after, especially when there are tractors around as he doesn't hear them coming.

Last Sunday we went to the Medieval Horse show at Northcote Heavy Horse Centre. There, we spotted a very serious looking Lipizzaner horse. On his stable door, there was a sign that said that he loved back-scratches. When people scratched his back, he made the funniest face! Of course I had to scratch him and mom took some great pictures of his funny face.


He Loves his back scratched.

There was also a Medieval display on horseback where 4 people competed in different games like jousting.

There was a jester but he didn't have a real horse; he was riding around on a toy hobby- horse. He was really funny! The crowd instantly fell in love with him, so at the end of the games when the crowd had to choose a winner, they went straight for him!
Looks like the Jester is riding on the horse's nose!
It was a great day. There were lots of lovely horses, birds of prey including a naughty vulture who just didn't want to perform and an amazing falcon who swooped in and out of the crowds.

Sweet little pony.

My favourite was definitely the funny faced horse...

Monday 14 August 2017

Revesby Festival and my first fall!

Elise's Birthday Party

This is a bit of a catch-up since I haven't posted for a few months. Lots has happened including moving to a new house in the country, sitting exams (piano, ICT and Pony Club) and making new friends.
We have visited the summer shows in and around Lincoln but the weather has not been good.
After the muddy disaster that was Heckington Show (it was so muddy we didn't even get past the ticket gate!), mom, dad and I were reluctant to go to another country show.
Thankfully, the weather cleared up, so on Sunday we went to check out Revesby Country Show. It was more like a dog show than a normal festival as there were dog-themed events going on everywhere! They had dog racing, dog shops and even an army cross country course just for dogs!
There were also lots of horse competitions. We stopped to watch one of them and judge all of the horses. My favourite was the Gypsy Cob with it's beautiful main and tail reaching down to the ground.
Revesby was a lot of fun so we'll definitely be going next year as long as it doesn't pour with rain!

The Lincolnshire Show.
It's raining!

Glad I brought my umbrella

I'm pretty famous at Pony Club for being one of the only people there that has never fallen off a horse. Unfortunately, I lost that title on Monday! There were harvest flies everywhere and they were constantly bugging the horses. I was quite happily trotting along when all of a sudden the horse put his head right down to scratch his leg and I went straight over the top of his head! It was a bit like going down a slide since it didn't hurt much. It was actually quite fun!

Ready for Pony Exams!


After we finished riding, my instructor, Lora, got out her pet corn snake. Normally I'm quite nervous around snakes, but this one had such a cute face that I couldn't help myself from holding it and letting it slither all around my arms! Maybe my next pet will be a snake?

We have moved to a new house in a lovely village with a ford at the bottom of our road. Maisie loves her dog walks!